Chapter 1

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Hey guys. So, first thing, I have  a friend named Micah, which I am dedicating this chapter to. 

He started writing a new story and I really want you guys to support him! He is a great writer and just now started using wattpad to his stories.

So, here is a link for his story, I hope I'll see you guys there. 

(Link on the side. ) 

It's called My Inner Demons(boyxboy) By RandomNinjaKitty . I am an admirer of this boy. 

So, new chapter of Abductors Say What?! 

Enjoy! (On the side a song I've been listening while writing this chapter. ) 


[Leo's POV. ] 

"You hit him?! Asshole." The figure in front of me yelled at someone else. 

"How was I supposed to bring him here without attracting attention and without him fighting ?!"  Someone else yelled angrily. 

"Yeah, how? " I mocked him and I heard shifting. Damn, why was this room so dark..? 

Another movement and someone cursed. "Micah, you can't be serious. You're gonna let the snarky motherfucker talk like that?!"  Someone, the same one , demanded. 

"He was mocking you and I am not blaming him, you're stupider than a shoe. Even a shoe could kidnap him better." The guy named Micah said dryly.

"Isaac, quit being silly, he's just a kid. I wonder how he is not pissing himself with fright. " Another voice said, much softer. 

"Shut up you, it's your fault we're in this mess from the very start. You just had to want a human for a birthday gift. And what's his face had to give you one. " Isaac said. Now I was confused. 

So, a guy wanted me for a birthday gift, and now I am the "Human." And I am his kidnapped birthday gift? 

"Aren't you gonna ask for ransom or whatever you kidnappers do nowadays? " I asked with confusion , but never left the sarcasm out of it. 

"Nah. Why should we? Your family doesn't give  shit anyway. " Isaac said and I frowned. 

"How would you know? Stalking? Did you see me masturbating in the shower because I don't do private shows-- " 

"Will someone block his mouth already?!"  Isaac yelled at the other two. 

"Dez, you do it. " Micah said. 

Dez, probably the younger, spoke. "Nah, I like his attitude. Will be fun to fuck this one." He said slyly, making me freeze in my spot.

I was terrified before. But could mask it with sarcasm. Now I felt utterly petrified. 

Without noticing , I started shivering with fear. The situation sunk in. I would never see my parents again. I would never see Cherry, or Caine, again. I would never get out of here. 

My breath labored, and I felt myself getting hypervalentic. I was still aware of the movements in the  dark room, suddenly someone grabbed my arm and I screamed. 

"What's the matter with him? " Isaac demanded. Micah spoke, being very close to me, I realzed he is the one who is gripping my arm. I started thrashing  around as much as I could, my body felt numb, I couldn't breathe, and my sight was even more blurry. This dark room drove me crazy. I wanted out.

Abductors Say What?! (Short story.) [Boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now