The guy who lives down the hall

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"Ehhh, are you nuts?!?" I asked Jaime. "What no I just though that maybe I could sleep on it" Jaime said back. *Sigh* "Jaime your gonna fail the quarter if you keep this up" I said. "I will not" "yes you will" we kept going back and forth until I heard a knock on the door. "Oh-hold on a second" I said to whoever was knocking "do you want me to call you back or something" I heard him say through my phone "no this'll only take a second, I hope" I mumbled the last part to myself.

When I went to go answer the door I found my aunts current boyfriend she's had a lot of them lately I eventually lost count and just started calling them all Parrot. "Hi" I said with a bored face. "Hello how are you amariritsu" "fine, actually I was just about to head to bed" I said as I closed the door in his face and made sure to lock the door. I went back to my bed and picked up my phone. "Are you actually tired?" Jaime questioned "no I just so happen to be a good liar" I said proudly. "Oh really~," he says. *Gasp* is he doubting me?!? "Yes really, I think I'm gonna pack it in though seriously," I said as I walked over to my pajama drawer "alright Buenos noches Hermosa" I internally giggled. I love it when he speaks Spanglish. "Oyasuminasai ao," I said. I'm a whole bunch of cultures but then I'm mainly Japanese and American but so far I can speak around a few languages. put on some pj's and went to sleep.

I was shaken awake by none other than, Akihito. "Hm what's up" I asked to my fliptarded brother "couldn't sleep, bad dream" that was all he said "hm 'kay" I just moved over after that so that he could have some room. And with that I wasn't awoken until the next morning by none other our damn cat. Fucking little fudge packer, I can never stay mad at that damn cat curses. Here's what he looks like

"Curse your damn fucking cuteness you damned adorable ass you damn cat" I muttered my fabulous stream of profanities

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"Curse your damn fucking cuteness you damned adorable ass you damn cat" I muttered my fabulous stream of profanities. After a few minutes of maneuvering myself from out under my brother I got out of bed and did the same thing I do every morning. You see I live in El Paso Texas with my aunt and younger brother along with the occasional visit from Jaime and Tye.

Me, Jaime, and Tye had been friends for while we understood each other. We had talked to one another when we had problems. Like when Tye's mom gets a new boyfriend, or when Jaime and his scarab have an argument-well actually we don't tell Tye about that our super hero lives, and yet when my aunt gets new shitty boyfriends. We were there for each other like that it's nice having friends. But it's sad to see them go. I also, have this amazing best friend since freshmen year her names Bonnie I call her bon-bon for short because well we're just that awesome we get vintage cool nicknames. Hmm, I might as well go down stairs and eat something since I'm already up. Oh well, let's see since it's Saturday I'll make BLUEBERRY PANCAKES. Muahahaha and they're all~ mine-heh not really but hey a girl can dream right. But no I make awesome ass pancakes. Oh P.S. you may have figured this out already but I swear like a lot I get it from my father.

I finished making the pancakes I was about to go get changed. That was until I heard a knock on my door. As I went to go open it they kept knocking. "If you keep knocking like a crazy person I won't open the damn door" I said. The knocking stopped but then I heard some one talking I made a b-line for my bandage that covers the cut n my hand that never heals, I frowned at the sight of it. I can never take my bandage off I'd bleed out and probably die if I did. That is my curse, well~ more like my family's curse but it's mine too. I haven't necessarily told anyone this I just wait it out and let them found it out on their own because I know how much it hurts to have thing kept from you. I've always used my powers especially when on the team............I just never told them the origin story. And I don't plan on doing so either.

Oh that's right I almost forgot, I turned my attention back to the door I heard a muffled voice saying. "Los sientos, hermosa" wait a second I know that adorable voice "j-jaime" I asked. However I didn't notice that when I said his name I was wrapping my bandage back around it's incurable wound.

"Yeah do you mind opening the door I think the guy that lives down the hall was staring at me" he said as I worked my hands on the locks at my normal pace. Not because I didn't care but because it's to early in the morning for that guys shit-anyone's shit really, shit should be dealt with around the beginning of noon and no earlier and no later well maybe later. "Huh sure" I answered lazily. Once he got inside I closed the door again.

If this were a romance we'd probably crash into each others lips with the fury of a thousand suns or something like that-BUT this isn't like that well at least I'm pretty sure it isn't like that. Eh oh well back to the story.

"Buenos Dias " my dorky friend said "ohayo" I said back. Oddly enough we don't really know what the other is saying half of the time. On one side I speak like three other languages but I suck at speaking Spanish, Jaime on the other hand speaks English and Spanish fluently. "Come in" I said as he stood in the doorway "neh, I'll be right back I'm gonna get changed" I said going up the stairs.

I went upstairs and went to my closet and then I went to the bathroom because my brothers still asleep. I got out my clothes I was tired so I decided to grab my usuals

I wore a pair of black stockings under, *sigh* to be honest I don't even know why I try anymore whenever I look back in that mirror I still hate my body and myself

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I wore a pair of black stockings under, *sigh* to be honest I don't even know why I try anymore whenever I look back in that mirror I still hate my body and myself. Everything that he put in me is still there-you know what, I don't have time to dwell on this especially now with Jaime and Aki hear. I can't let them see me like that they'd judge me like crazy just like he did damn fucker. As I went back downstairs I heard hiro's purring, hm probably Jaime.Oh well whatever.

"What are you two doing ?" I asked "enjoying my good friend Hiromi's company while I wait for you" Jaime answered "aha sōdesu ka - kuso! I'll  be back I forgot my gloves" I said as I ran back upstairs. Good GOD how could I almost forget one of the most important objects in my possession. As I ran out of my room again I saw my phone with my black earbuds. "Well shit now I'm losing my fucking mind" I said to myself.

*Sigh* "okay ready to go" I asked my friend "si" he said getting up from the chair I was lucky. Yay me ugh fuck now I sound like London Tipton, no I meant I was lucky because now I don't have to do one out of two possible scenarios because I remembered that I washed the dishes earlier. A) my aunt comes back to find dishes in which me and aki get lectured for leaving them there,and B) I come back tired as fuck and have to wash dishes to avoid another lecture because my fudging brother won't do them because he's lazy as fuck and just leaves them for me, fucking cunt. Anyway me  and Jaime started to make our way down the street in which we made a whole bunch of other twists and turns, zigs and zags, and possible loopy loops, which in any case I'm to lazy to remember. Then we got there the old abandoned cinema. Yay not a lot of walking actually no I like walking in the cold never mind that last statement folks.

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