Joy: Hey, guys~

Luke: H... He... Hey...

I smile nervously

Rose: What's up with that facial expression?

Rose lick her ice-cream and Hawk chuckle... Ugh.

Rose: Hawk, may I have a word with you?

Hawk: Ok, sure. Do you want it to be private or public?

Rose: Private.

Hawk: *gulp* Sure!

Rose and Hawk leave. Now it's my chance!

Luke: Joy, can I talk to you?

I sit down

Joy: Sure, what's up?

She sit next to me

Luke: I want to say this from the first time we met, but I have no courage to say it.

Joy: Really?? What is it?

She is so excited

Luke: I... Li... Li...

Joy: Li? You lie to me or something?

Luke: No! I... Lik...

Catherine: Huh?! Are you choking?? Let me help you!

Catherine just came out of nowhere and help me

Joy: Catherine! Stop! He's not choking!

Catherine: Really? Wow... Hehe, sorry Luke, I guess I trained to be a life saver really paid off! Once again, sorry Luke!

She ran away

Joy: So, what do you want to say?

Luke: I'm not gonna waste your time now.. *inhale* I LIKE YOU, PRINCESS JOY!

Minutes before Luke confess

Rose: I guess Joy can see ghosts

Hawk: What? How?

Rose: And I guess the guy in a cat cosplay is dad...

Hawk: You mean King Shire?

Rose: Yes, when she said her long lost hug from the person that she lost, it got me thinking, 'Long lost hug? Oh please Joy, you never lose someone you love... You're not even in a relationship! The one that you lose is dad... Wait, dad?! Oh no...' that's how I got my theory...

Hawk: You're getting smart aren't you?

Hawk clapped

Rose: Of course! I'm the greatest!

Rose bragged.

Hawk: But, the teacher that taught you until midnight is the greatest! Which is, me.

Hawk points at himself

Rose: Ok, fine 'Teacher who taught me even though it's midnight' you win...

Hawk grinned

Rose: And, I hope nothing bother her now...

Hawk: Like what?

Rose: Something emotional. Like, making her cry, heart attack, and confessions...

Hawk: About that...

Regal Academy Fanfic: A Tale of Two Kingdom Where stories live. Discover now