Liam's kid sick- for Jazz1482

Start from the beginning

Then I heard the front door open again. I stood up in confusion, holding Dylan on my hip. He hardly stirred, snuggling deeper into my side.

No reply.
Briskly I took off down the hall and towards the door, trying to convince myself that this was a nice neighbourhood, surely nobody would try to get in right?

Although confused I felt a massive relief when I saw Tora trying to leave through the front door. When I said her name she turned to face me so quick, jumping in fright. Her eyes went so wide and she froze.

I noticed her backpack on her back and the sloppily tied laces on her shoes and clicked as to what was going on with a disappointed click of my tongue.

"I said no school Tor, you can't just sneak out."

I couldn't help but smirk a little as I closed the door and ushered her deeper into the house. I'd previously thought I had at least five more years before I had to be on the look out for any of my kids trying to sneak out of the house. Apparently I was wrong.

What made it even more amusing to me was that she was trying to sneak away to school of all places. Didn't kids usually try to avoid school? I know that I definitely did.

Dylan stirred on my hip when Tora let out a sudden sob as she threw her bag down onto the ground and kicked her shoes off roughly.

"Aw Baby, don't get upset, what's got you so worked up?" I asked, taking hold of her shoulders before she could start breaking things. Tears rolled down her face as she bundled into my legs without reply. Dylan squirmed a little, "need a wee..." he uttered.

I put him down on the ground and he went off to the bathroom, leaving me alone with Tora and plenty of questions. There was definitely a reason why she was so upset. She'd never been a big crier.

"Baby..." I cooed and rubbed her overly warm back, "come on love, tell me what's wrong."

"You and Mum a-are gonna be s-so mad!" She cried snottily, grabbing onto her stomach. I knew that with the sobbing she was just sloshing up her insides even more and would probably end up getting sick so I lead her to the kitchen to at least have a bowl in front of her just in case.

I wiped her hair out of her face and tied it loosely the best I could, "why would we be mad Tor?"

"My t-teacher in-interview, 's gonna be bad!" she stuttered, choking over all her words. She moaned and rubbed her forehead on my shoulder, "hmmmm, I feel sick..."

"That's why you can't go to school Sweetheart, and I'm sure Mrs Jones will have nothing but nice things to say about you," I reassured her. She really did have a fever which was probably the reason she was so tearful. I couldn't imagine her doing anything even marginally naughty, especially at school around all her friends.

"Yesterday I got in trouble for talking Dad! She hates me!"

I rubbed her back, struggling to lock my amusement away. She was upset and panicking, it would be mean to do anything but comfort her and assure her that being told off for talking once wasn't going to harm any parent teacher interview. The poor kid was almost making herself sick with worry.

"Baby, Mrs Jones would never hate you..." I promised as I dragged a bowl out of the cupboard and slid it in front of her.
With hiccup her eyes widened and she gripped urgently onto my forearm. Then she was sick, gasping over the bowl as if her life depended on it. I cooed and hummed away as she got her breath back but unfortunately not her calmness. Even after throwing up she was still crying about the teacher meeting mumbling on about how sorry she was.

"Shhh sweetheart, no more tears," I hushed gently, combing her hair back with my fingers.
"I just wanna go to school, convince her that I can be good!" She mumbled in response, shaking her head and coughing.
"You've been good all year baby, so good, she knows that I promise," I continued to scratch my fingers up and down her trembling skin.

Tora didn't reply, instead cuddling into my side and wiping her wet eyes on my shirt.

"How about we head back to bed for a nap? Come on," I prompted and she allowed me to pick her up. It was almost scary how big she'd gotten, eight years, Jesus.
"But sch-school..." She whimpered, tears filling her eyes again.
"Forget about it Tora, you can't go. Do you want to get all your friends sick? Mrs Jones, do you want to get her sick too?"
Maybe I felt a little bad for tricking her but I got the result I wanted as she shook her head and let it hang down against my chest. She moaned quietly as I carried her to her bedroom but didn't put up any fight.

"Just get comfy pretty one, get some rest," I whispered as I fluffed her pillows up all around her and softly pressed her favourite stuffed animal to her chest. With pink puffy eyes she stared blankly up at me, unmoving.
"Close your eyes..."
She sighed shakily and let her tired eyelids flutter shut, relief blossomed in my chest and I pressed a kiss to her warm forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind me.

"Daddy, I'm cold."
Dylan was standing behind me, hugging himself and shivering ever so slightly, "my bed's cold."

"Did you put yourself to bed big man?" I chuckled as I took his hand and lead him to the cupboard where the extra blankets and duvets were kept.
Dylan shrugged, "I'm very tired Daddy."
"I'll bet," I ruffled his hair as I pulled a couple of thick blankets out of the cupboard,
After setting him all up under the pile of warmth the shivering eased away and he snuggled up again the triangle pillow he was laying on and I could go grab a bucket to put by his bed without having to worry about him freezing to death while I was gone.

I was lucky enough to find two and sneaked back into Tora's room to add a bucket by her bedside too.

Then I plopped down on the couch in front of the TV, throwing my feet up on the coffee table. I remembered Ellie's words and guiltily put a pillow under my feet and switched the TV on. Who knew how much I was going to get to watch before I was needed by one of, or both of, ugh that would be rough, my children.

I couldn't wait for Ellie to get home so I could tell her about how Tora tried to sneak away to school. She'd laugh so loud and smile so widely with those massive shimmering eyes of hers, I couldn't wait.

Sorry for the wait lovelies, this took so many sittings which is so stupid because it's super short, but I'm glad I've finally finished it for you :)

So the next one is supposed to be a Zayn one, which I've never done before. I think I'm either  just kinda can write it the same as I would any of the other, put him in with the rest of the lads on a tour, or just give him a random girlfriend and write it with just them two. Which would you rather read?

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