The Photo Album

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 When that was finished he made his way up to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to see there meddi witch Madam Poppy Pompfry. After every meeting he would go to Hogwarts and explain the meeting to the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and when he was injured to Madam Pompfry. After being treated for his injuries and explaining to the headmaster what the meeting had consisted of, Severus walked down past the gates to the appartation point and apparated home to Spinners End. He had just walked inside and sat on the couch when his phone rang.

  Now, Severus never really had a use for it. After his dad passed away and he inherited the house, he never removed the muggle phone from the wall. He gave the number to Lily when they were friends so they could call each other. Then when she married James, she made him put a muggle phone in their house. It was faster than an owl. She had forgotten his number, but when she became pregnant, he gave her the number again. He picked up the phone and was shocked to find it was James on the other end.

  "Snape? Look, Lily wants you to come to St. Michaels hospital in London. We were out and she went into labor. I'll meet you at the front." And with that, he hung up. Severus quick changed his clothing from the Death Eater cloak and mask to some casual muggle clothes. He then apparates to muggle London and takes a cab to the hospital. James was waiting outside, leaning against the brick wall.

  "Snape." He says as the only greeting to the man.

  "James." He replied. They weren't friends yet, but we're slowly trying. James leads Severus down a hallway and to the room at the end. Screams could be heard from it.

  "Now, Mrs. Potter I'm gonna need you to push." The doctor said when they walked in. James went to one side of Lily and held her hand. 

  "Severus get your ass over here!" She shouts at him. Severus makes his way over to her other side. She grabs his hand and he tries not to wince and the pain from how hard she's holding his hand. 

  "Yeah, I've been holding her hand for a while now. Stronger than we thouh-" he was interrupted by the sound of Lily screaming.

  "Almost there Lily." A New voice in the room says. Severus lifts his head to see Sirius Black and Remus Lupin leaning against a wall. Snape nods to the two of them and they nod back. Another scream comes from Lily as she tries to push her child into the world. With one final push, a baby's cry can be heard along with hers. 

  "Congratulations! It's a boy!" The nurse says while she places him on a scale. 

  "He weighs eight pounds. A healthy little baby. We're going to clean him up and then you can hold him." The nurse says as she takes him.

  "Thank you for coming Severus." She says to him breathlessly. She releases his hand and he can see the imprint of her fingers on his hand.

  "No problem," Severus says weakly. Lily looks closely at him and tries to sit up, but only gets up on her elbows.

  "Sev, are you alright?" She asks him her voice laced with concern. He nods weakly. She can see that he is having trouble standing up. Severus had been on his feet all day, plus with the cruciatus curse, he was feeling weak knees. "James, get him a chair." She says as she turns to her husband. James grabs him a chair and Severus nearly collapses in it. Remus gives him a glass of water. Severus gladly accepts it and takes a sip.

  "What happened to you?" Black asks as he comes to stand next to him. 

  "Meeting." Was all he said and they all knew. Death Eater meeting.

  "What happened?" 

  "There was a raid and I refused to kill some people, the Dark Lord thought it would be fun to cruciatus me a few times, then send me back to the site to burn the bodies." He replied as he put his head in his hands and rubbed his eyes. He felt a hand on his back and when he looked up, he saw that James was giving him a sad look. Lily looked like she was about to cry, Lupin was running his hands through his hair and Sirius swore quietly. 

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