"No bots!" Starscream screeched and started firing at the sparklings as he flew over. Optimus glanced at him briefly and Megatron snapped out of it. He unsheathed his blade and stabbed the Autobot leader in the midsection.

Optimus grunted in pain and looked at him with slight surprise. Megatron smirked darkly and shoved the blade further. The Prime fell to his knee plates as the blade was yanked out.

"Sire!" Smokescreen shouted and stared optics wide with horror. Megatron stepped back and looked at the sparklings. They were all staring at him as if he was a monster. He furrowed his optic ridges, why did it suddenly bother him?

Bumblebee and the rest of the team sobbed as they ran to Optimus. Megatron stared at the energon on his blade. Why did he feel guilty?

The cons stared at their playmates then at the mech that told them stories. Soundwave clenched his servos tightly and started to shake with rage. Knockout started to sob and buried his face in his servos. The vehicons didn't know what to do and started to cry. Soundwave shook more as Megatron hesitantly walked over to them.

"Soundwave?" He asked quietly as he knelt on one knee plate. The little con went through his different recordings and selected one.

There was suddenly a high pitched angry noise that sounded the area. Megatron yelled angrily and covered his audios. The sparklings covered their audios and and screamed as they sobbed. Soundwave was angry and he wanted his leader to know that. He stopped finally and looked at Optimus.

::You shouldn't harm your fellow Cybertronians out of spite...:: he played the recording in the Primes voice. Soundwave looked at his leader then formed a portal below the cons.

"Sound-!" The warlord yelled angrily before they all disappeared. Soundwave stood there as he stared at the empty space. He looked at Optimus and his team then sniffed sadly. Bumblebee watched him then ran over and hugged him tightly.

"Don't cry!" Smokescreen shouted and hugged him as well. The little con transformed into his alternate mode and flew away. Optimus watched him as he clutched his side. He gripped the ground with his free servo as he leaked energon.

"I'm a doctor." Ratchet said seriously as he furrowed his optic ridges. He puffed out his chest plate proudly and walked over. Optimus smiled weakly and watched them gather.

"I... apologize... you had to... see this..." he rasped weakly. They looked at each other then hugged him tightly.

"Don't die sire." Arcee sobbed as she held on to him tightly. He smiled weakly and coughed up some energon. Bulkhead whimpered fearfully and looked at Wheeljack. He thought for a few minutes and tapped his audio.

"Miko!" He said as tears filled his optics. "Sire is hurt! Halp!" He said.

Raf looked up at the others as the transmission came through. They looked around the area and then each other. How bad was it? How could four humans and sparklings help him?

"Okay Bulkhead we're sending a bridge." She said calmly as they heard them crying. "Calm down buddy." She said gently. Raf sent a bridge and Jack ran through with Miko.

They stared at the Prime then each other. There was no way. Miko smacked her forehead and went back through as Jack tried to calm them down. She came back a few minutes later with the Apex armor.

"Good idea Miko." Jack said as he smiled slightly. She blushed a little but hid it as she walked over to Optimus.

"I have a few of them." She said as she set the Primes free arm around her shoulders. Jack ushered the sparklings out of the way then through the portal. Miko helped Optimus through the portal then helped him sit down as Raf closed the bridge. The Prime observed his injury and figured it wasn't that bad.

"Optimus tell us what to do and we'll help repair you." June said seriously. He grunted quietly and shook his helm slowly as he leaned against the wall.

"I... cannot risk your safety..." he mumbled and grabbed a few tools. "I... do not... know what... energon will do... to a human." He grunted. They looked at each other then at him again.

Raf and Miko had the sparklings all go to the training room to play. June and Jack watched Optimus as he attempted to repair himself. June walked over and stood where she could see the wound. His optics flickered with pain and he grunted as he tried to focus. The nurse quietly guided him as she watched. Jack was quiet as he hoped the Primes wound wasn't as bad as it looked.

After a few agonizing minutes, he did what he could and gripped the edge of the berth. He winced in pain and shook a little as the two watched.

"Optimus... you need energon." June said gently. Jack jumped down and ran to the hallway.

"No... Jackson..." he rasped weakly and the boy stopped suddenly. He looked at the Prime and watched his pained expression. "You... can't... lift it..." he mumbled. Jack stared at him and hung his head as he nodded slowly. He was right.

Optimus shakily forced himself to stand and gripped his side as he slowly made his way to the hall. Jack moved out of the way and watched him sadly. Once he was gone he looked at his mother.

"What do we do?" He asked quietly as she watched the hall. She shook her head slowly and fought back tears.

"I don't know..." she whispered quietly and looked away.

An hour later they hadn't heard from the Prime and started to worry. Jack and Miko ran to the storage room fearing the worst. Had the injury been worse and he offlined? Miko glanced at Jack as she fought back tears. They couldn't lose him this way.

The two got to the storage room but didn't see him anywhere. A few cubes were scattered around as if he fell. They glanced at each other and heard sobbing. The two followed it and became concerned when they couldn't find him. They turned the corner and froze in their tracks. Optimus was crying silent as his welding had come apart a little. He was a sparkling.

"I'm hurt." He sobbed as he looked at them. Tears falling from his big blue optics. Miko walked over and hugged him gently as he cried.

"It's okay... we'll help you." She whispered quietly and Jack walked over. Optimus sniffed sadly as he looked at them. The two teens glanced at each other. What would they do now?


Megatron growled angrily and walked around as he looked for Soundwave. The little sparkling was going to be punished for what he did. The other sparklings were off watching their TV show. Why he let them, he had no idea. Maybe because it made them quiet. He wandered aimlessly as he looked for him and slowly cooled off. He turned the corner and saw the little con staring at something.

"Soundwave." He growled angrily and walked over. The con didn't move as he watched him get on one knee plate.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked as he glared at him.

The sparkling stared at him blankly then moved to show what he had been hiding. There was a tall vial of energon about the size of the sparkling. Megatron furrowed his optic ridges in confusion.

"Is this a peace offering?" He asked and picked it up carefully. Soundwave nodded slowly as he hummed softly. The warlord smirked a little and stared at him.

"I'm still not happy with your actions." He said seriously as he looked at the vial. He did need to refuel. He looked at him again then drank the energon.

Soundwave watched intently and purred. But it was more mischievous, as if he knew something the warlord didn't.

Ever Babysat a Giant Robot? (TFP Little Series) (Wattys 2017)Where stories live. Discover now