A Mother's Love and Her Son's Kindness

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I only stayed for a few days in that stable. His mother has cared for as if I was her own child. It was overwhelming to receive such unhindered love, as a child running from battle, care is the last element I thought I would receive. But she has proved me otherwise. A mother's love is never overlooked, especially when she isn't your own. And mine is no longer living, she is merely a ghost that is a temporary replacement for permanent damage.

"Ma'am, I don't know why you are doing this for me," I whisper as she tends to my aching back.

"Oh please, a child in need is any parent's weakness, especially a mother's," she gives me a comforting smile and places the damp cloth on my back, "now, I know of your powers-"

"Please, don't. Spare me the pity."

"Oh, no need to hide it from me, my son has the gift also. It's quite a sight to view. Those golden eyes. I quite like them," she goes quiet and pulls the bucket away, "but I must set him apart, he's unlike the rest of us. I am going to send him to Camelot once he is older."

"Camelot," the name cuts through all is in front of me, rage builds as a voice echoes in my mind.

Do not hold onto anger that isn't yours to give.

"You say as if it's poison, possibly Hemlock."

"I... I'm from the mountains-" my words are cut off by an energetic ball of midnight hair and bright blue eyes. He crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side as if he knows everything about me.

"Well, that explains the bright red hair!" I jump at the voice and my eyes glow just for a second. "Whoa! I can do that too! Watch!" I turn my head and see the water filled vessel floating in the air. His eyes glow with the same aura as my own, a warmth fills my chest. "Isn't it cool!"

And for the first time in those few days, I smiled. A true and untainted beam of joy, one that has been hiding in the darkness for long enough. A pure emotion that isn't wasted or in the shadows.

"Yes, what else can you do?" I reply sitting down in the hay. Merlin blushes and holds out his hand, from within his palm a wild daisy blooms. I show my own hands and they are rapidly entangled with vines.

"Whoa," he nimbly runs his fingers over, "they are real!"

"Of course bumpkin! You aren't the only one with magic here!" I reply laughing at his bewilderment. But I know he wants to ask something, important. It's a topic that should be avoided but in his simple mind he cannot hold back. His eyes reveal all, even those that should be kept under lock and key. He truly is an open book.

"Question, when you appeared here, that night the mountain was attacked. A royal family lived there, the Wyeuur, correct?" my lungs stop the natural flow of oxygen, does he know?

"Merlin, we discussed this-"

"I'm sorry mother, but I must know it for certain." I can sense the tension rising between them and I calm their nerves.

"Yes, I was their servant. A kind folk they were, but I fear that what was left of their high-status blood stains the fields. My Mistress told me to run while I could, she used her strength to enable my safety and, I appeared here." Merlin's orbs lighten and kneel down to my height. The thought of a king and queen that allows magic was nearly impossible, but my father and mother accomplished more than anyone will ever know.

"That's incredible! I never know such a loving King and Queen, existed. I'm sorry for your loss." I wave my hand at his worries and concerns. They are not for his shoulders to carry, just mine. The weight of the dead is for those who survive, and they must linger with it for the rest of their life. That is why they say surviving isn't always winning when it comes to wars and battles. You are haunted by memories that will never leave, they only come to bring pain and remorse.

"No need, I miss them dearly too but, I cannot bring them back," I feel a prick in my eye but I push it away, "but as they rest, I hope they do not frown down upon those who remain from their courts." And to my knowledge, it's only me...

"You speak incredibly well for a servant, your education must have been supreme." a faint blush falls on my cheeks at the compliment.

"The best in all the land. Studies in everything you can believe or can even think of-" the mother puts in her own thought, and I do not blame her for it.

"Even sorcery?"

"All of those within the Wyeuur's fortress knows how to tame it. A large sum is born with it but there are few like myself that weren't. That is why I am a servant," a quick cough escapes my lips, "I'm sorry, but may I get some rest?"

"But, you've been asleep all day-"

"Merlin, let her sleep. If that is her request, go get her some blankets." The black haired boy grins and runs out. The mother turns to me and helps me, though by nightfall I shall betray them both.

As the sun falls behind the trees and mountains I hold in my hand a pouch that stores a powder that knocks out those who you blow it upon. The worst part, their memories shall be wiped of my existence and as the remaining heir, I must do what I must to protect my identity. No matter the cost.

Merlin runs into the stable and dives into the hay beside me, this is how he normally makes his entrance. A true bumpkin without a doubt.

"Ana! How are you feeling?" he asks with much excitement in his facial expression. His energy levels drain me some days, I don't know how he keeps it up.

"Mighty, mighty as a warhorse." he beams and pulls a trinket from his pocket. I gently tilt my head, this action is new to me. A tint of pink flushes his pale complex and I withhold a giggle.

"I have a gift for you, it's a necklace made out of string and a smooth pebble as a pendant, I hope you like it..." he goes quiet at the end has he presents his work of art. "My mother had to help me, I don't know how to do these sort of crafts."

"Thank you, Merlin, I deeply appreciate it," I slide it over my head and let it hang down, "it is beautiful." he shuffles around, clearly a nervous action and I can't help but chuckle at it.

"I'm glad you like it, I've been working on it ever since you got here. But wait, I have to do one more thing!" His hand hovers over my neck and his eyes go gold. I watch the thick and slightly itchy string turn into silver metal.

"Merlin! You, you shouldn't have!" I gasp, mostly due to the fact that he can turn an ordinary piece of string into metal at his age! Don't get me wrong I can do that also but seeing someone else perform it is electrifying.

"You don't want to know how many times I've tried doing that, I may have used up all of my mother's yarn." I let out a heavy sigh and shake my head at his reckless behavior. This boy is so magnificent and utterly stupid at the same time. How can he accomplish such faults?

"I can guess," his face lightly falls, "twenty-five."

"How did you know that?!" he says obviously shocked by my knowledge when honestly I can sense when magic is being used and he has tried it twenty-five times.

"I just do," I stand up and hold out my free hand to him while the satchel in the other.

"Thanks-" and without a flinch, I blow the white power. At first, his eyes cross than his body goes limp and finally, he falls to the ground, at least it is soft. I dash to his mother's side and before she could even turn to see my face I strike again. Her head slides onto the table and I collect one single piece of bread for the trip. Though I have no idea where I am going.

Once outside the door, I whisper a blessing upon their home and the writing is first shown a bright yellow then fades away into the structure.

"Thank you for looking out for me over these few days, I am grateful for your kindness and love you showed me when I was unsure about love and life itself. Thank you, Merlin. Thank you mother."

And with those few phrases said I now remember how I ended up here. In a tavern just on the outskirts of Camelot and a drunkards fight is everyone's fight here. Including myself.

"Miss Ana! More please!" I roll my eyes at the men who linger here day and night, they have no manners but I must keep their mugs full and tell their wives the women they have accidentally slept with. In other words, welcome to my tavern, The Blue Dragon.

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