Chapter 16: Central City

Start from the beginning

"Ah!" The man's eyes went shiny, "Like that of a toast-- as in bread?"

Hunter let out air. Control... Control... No need to laugh at Ezra's face. "Yes, exactly."


"You insert a slice of bread," Hunter instructed while showing the man how, "then push this lever thing down, and viola! The bread shall spring up the moment it is done."

"Just like that?" The man looked utterly impressed, "Amazing! And to think they do not have magic!"

Somehow, it reminded him of Arthur Weasely, but quickly erased the thought. No use in thinking about those who are left behind.

Hunter tried his best to instruct Ezra on the muggle technology; from the toaster, to the stereo, to the telly. The man truly is new to the things that were inside of the house, but Hunter did not dare laugh at his face. Ezra might go beserk and actually banish him.

And it was Hunter who made dinner (baked beans, a classic American food), which Ezra actually appreciated.

But when Hunter asked him about cars, Ezra revealed he could drive one.

"You can drive a car?! How is that even possible?" Hunter exclaimed over dinner.

"Alexander!" The older man reprimanded, "Do not shout on the table."

"Well, I am sorry, but, just so you know, this is quite unbelievable. You can't even operate an oven toaster, for Merlin's beard! How can you know how to drive a car?"

"I, for one, do not live under a bloody rock, Mister Alexander. Do not treat me like one."

"I apologize, but--"

"Can we just skip this boring dialogue, Alec?" Hunter only shook his head, too gobsmacked to even comprehend things that well. Dinner went by fast, and soon, both men were in their pyjamas.

Ezra had actually fussed over Hunter, who found it quite annoying. The man would tell him, 'Brush your teeth, Alexander', 'Quit moping around, Alexander, and 'Alexander!'.

"Can you please stop smothering me, Ezra?" Hunter whined.

"Alexander! Do not whine! You are fifteen, not five!"

"Well then, don't treat me as one!"

"Don't act like it, then, and we are even!"

"Ugh!" Hunter groaned. Ezra was so strict!

Hunter grabbed a book from one of his bags and flipped it open. He practically sulked, until Ezra knocked. Although sulking, the young man opened the door and let Ezra in.

"We are to visit the Square on the morrow, Alec. I was offered a position in the school which you will go to."

"I'm gonna go to school?" Hunter sounded like the whole idea was incredulous.

"What do you expect fifteen year olds do, Alexander? You have to go to school if you want to fit in."

"I don't have stuff yet!"

Ezra tsked, "Reasons, Alexander. We took the liberty to do so. Here," the man gave a bag to Hunter. "Please behave yourself, and please make friends. You need it."

"And what of my illness?"

Ezra pinched the bridge of his nose, "Many kids who have cancer do go to school, Alexander. This is your chance," Ezra's voice softened, "I will be there, just so you know."

"I am not scared!" Hunter exclaimed. He was, of course, denying.
It was like going through middle school all over again. He was scared he'll be bullied for being weak. He didn't realize he was hyperventilating when Ezra kept calling him.

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