Father and son talk

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Throughout some time after the ceremony, Sitka was very confused about how can guidance be his personality when he feels a lot like his father. So, he walked to his father and asked to talk with him. 'Sitka, I know how you're feeling about your totem, but I believe guidance is a very splendid choice from the Spirits to you,' Amaguq spoke. 'Splendid? How can you say that?' Sitka got muddled up. 'Your mother and I are hunters, it's a very dangerous job in the village and there's always a rare chance that our group would always come back home alive and well. There will be a time that we go on the usual hunting session, but then we wouldn't come back alive or come back wounded, which no one could heal. You then need to take care of your brothers and Thalia by yourself, in your own way. Never forget that you must not think from up there, but think in there,' he pointed his hand to Sitka's forehead then placed it on his chest where the heart is, 'This will become an opportunity for you to grow up and mature yourself quicker, so be ready when that happens.'

One year past, Sitka is 19, Denahi and I are 17, and Kenai is 12. I was just at my job, making more hoodies with the other girls(around my age). I've said to them that Sitka has grown more and more mature and more taller. They've said to me that I should confess those feelings to him, because that encourages him for his totem and I agreed with them. By sunset, the four of us were called to our tent for a talk from our parents.

Amaguq and Chena said that there was trouble in the woods, chasing away our hunters' prey for becoming scarce and they have to go there and find the trouble however they can tomorrow. Sitka being shock about the discussion that he stood up and spoke, 'This is not a good idea for you to go, because you've told us that hunting is very dangerous and there are small chances of everyone in a group would come back alive, therefore most die from it. Don't go!' Amaguq placed his on Sitka's shoulder, 'Son, remember what I told you: Think from the heart.' 'Sitka, what is he talking about?' I raised my hand. 'Maybe he is talking more advice about Sitka's totem as in he knows a lot about it as similar to strength?' Denahi guessed. 'Enough!' Chena called, 'We should probably wrap up the talk.' Wrap up?' Sitka never finished, 'Oh no, I'm trying understand how this talk is going to lead me for following my totem. Father then said that I must think from my heart when you and him won't be around anymore. So confusing father!' Amaguq then tied an animal skin cloth around his mouth tight and then walked off, 'Resisting what you fear can only bring to existence.' 'Amaguq, wait. Amaguq!' I called. I crossed my arms and made a firm, serious face at Denahi. 'What now?' Denahi asked. I just shook my head for nothing.

Three brothers and one sisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin