Chapter 15: The Hartfords

Start from the beginning

'Hunter Alexander Hartford'

Harry set off to search for something to do. The very thought of him to be with Snape for the rest of his life scares him. Severus Snape, the dungeon bat who loathed his very existence is now going to be with him. To help him go through it.

He thought the man's name to be something like Antonin because that name sounded mysterious, which suited the man. He remembered reading the meaning of that name. Antonin means beyond praises, and besides, Antonin does seem to be a good rhyme with Hartford.

He went back to the man to suggest his idea.


Severus was on the chair reading when he thought about what the boy said. 'You're a hard man to name'

Indeed he is. So far, he couldn't come up with a name that could satisfy him. He was broke out of his muse when he caught a head of messy hair heading towards him. The boy plopped on the chair opposite him. He didn't look up but he could feel the boy's eyes on him.

"What can I do for you, Alec?" Asked Severus

"I was thinking," said the messy hair tyke.

"Oh you were? What is it you were thinking about? Please do enlighten me instead of staring at me," chided the potions master
Har--Alexander blushed at being caught to be staring at his Professor missing the fact that the man called Alec instead of Alexander. "Your name. What do you think of Antonin? It suits you. Plus Antonin means beyond praise. I always thought your name was something like Antonin."

Severus raised his eyebrow in a Snape-like way. "Is that so? Did my name disappointed you, Mr Hartford? Antonin doesn't sound bad. I'll consider it."

"W-what?! No! Of course not. Your name didn't disappoint me. I was just saying-" spluttered Harry trying to cover up his mistake.

"Stop it, Alexander. You're rambling. I understand," admonished Severus stopping the boy from embarrassing himself further.

"Right.. Right. Erm. I'll leave you alone then." Said Harry walking out of the library.

Before the boy walked out, he distinctly heard the boy said "Try matching it with Ezra! It matches well!" Before it faded away.

Severus thought about the name Antonin and Ezra. He remember clearly that Ezra means Help and Antonin means Beyond praises. Together it means Help beyond praises. He tried matching names. In the end, he found himself satisfied with the name Ezra Antonin Hartford. He found himself saying the name easily with no problem.

Ezra Antonin Hartford

He smirked in victory. He finally found the perfect name. Hunter Alexander Hartford and Ezra Antonin Hartford . The Hartfords.

And to think, that once upon a time, Ezra was a name Tobias Snape wanted for his son-- for him. Although he was a drunkard, Tobias was a pious Catholic. When Severus was younger, he was often entertained by tales of prophets and chosen people by God. Well, before Tobias found his some to be like his wife-- a wizard.

Antonin, meanwhile, was a name that was strong. Funny how that name was also the name of one of Tom Riddle's original Death Eaters. The man, Antonin Dolohov, utterly wasted his name to do everything that is the opposite of help. But Snape swore right then and there that he would never do that. He would never take that name to the dirt, and leave it to rot. No, he would make himself worthy of the name.

And Har-- Alexander will become proud of him and his name.


The next few days, the people from Malfoy Manor were busy.

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