Galra Confession

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    That day was the day they visited the base of The Blade of Marmora. Shiro was sent down to work an alliance with them, but Keith had tagged along so he could find out if he was truly Galra, of course telling the rest of the team a stupid lie. While fighting in the trials, without Shiro and everyone else knowing, Keith found out he had Galra blood running through his veins. He was truly one of them...a monster...

It was back at the castle, a few days after the realization for Keith,  and the entire team was gathered to the control room. Here Keith stood in front of them all, on display.
He finally decided to tell them, after hours and hours of thinking and being scolded by his leader for falling behind, he finally had the courage. But now having them there, the task seemed a bit harder.

"So I have asked Allura to drag you all here because I need to tell you something..." pause for dramatic effect, Keith breathed in "Well back at the Marmora base I had discovered a fact about my self unbeknownst to all of you, a fact I rather not even say. Let me just get to the chase..." Keith paused to breath in, he was prepping for all of their reactions. "I-I'm Galra..." he nervously scratched his palm.
There were so many Mixed reactions, he couldn't process what to say or do.

Pidge looked surprised such as she misheard the teen, she just looked shocked and nothing else. Hunk seemed as though he didn't know what to feel, he was scanning others faces quickly and nervously fidgeting, He didn't know what to think. Shiro seemed shocked and then confused with a hint of anger, maybe thinking "Why hadn't I known this earlier!" Type of thought, but he could always be mad at other reasons too. Allura looked absolutely furious, she was fuming with boling water steam whistling out her ears such as in the cartoons. She looked like she wanted to murder Keith, which was understandable he was a monster. Coran looked confused but then worried for his safety. He knew Allura would kill him if she could. But there was one person with the most shocking expression.


He casually leaned on the wall for support, yawning as if this was a stupid history lesson or something. He looked around simultaneously frowning confused to everyones facial expression. He opened his mouth but Allura beat him to speaking.

"Get out." She huffed angrily. Keith winced at her body language, she was definitely furious.

"W-what?" Keith asked in a surprised small voice. He was scared for that, but he understood that this was not going to be easy, he should be punished anyway for being a monster.

"I don't want a galra on my ship, So get out!" Allura yelled this time, and thats when everyone jumped. Thy knew Allura rarely got angry, but this...this was new. Keith didn't know what to say, but someone spoke up, a person that was unexpected to stand up for his rival.

"Excuse me Princess? Sorry, but Keith isn't gonna go anywhere not with me having a say!" Lance angrily pointed to Allura, swiftly standing next to Keith and grabbing his arm tightly.

"Lance, don't you dare get into this right now! You don't understand why I am dismissing Keith from being paladin of the red lion! He must go, Galra are not trusted, and having their type on our team? That will raise questions! And not to mention he might be with them, We cant trust a Galra!!" Allura shouted at Lance pointing in his direction, fuming with rage in every word.

"No! I understand completely, you entire race was killed and so was your father, but that doesn't give you the right to yell at Keith! Yell at him because he is part Galra! Keith is Keith! We trust him, his lion trusts him, and if it raises questions they can go fuck off! We should except Keith, even if he is Galra!" Lance yelled back he even swore, that wasn't a good sign! Lance only swore when he was having extreme feelings, like extreme anger.

"I agree with Lance...we shouldn't be discriminating Keith just because his heritage. He is still Keith no matter what." Pidge quietly complied to Lance's notions. Lance looked at them tenderly, as if saying 'Thank You'.
"I'm with Lance as well..." Hunk squeaked out, quietly sighing that he finally got his words out.

"Princess I understand you fury, the Galra did take my arm, but Lance is in the right. Keith is still Keith, and we should still trust him, accept him, and understand him rather then push him out!" Shiro placed a reassuring hand on Keith's shoulder. He had a stern but soft look toward Allura.

Allura looked at them all, and proceeded to storm out, heading for her bedroom. "I agree to you all, Allura shall agree in time, but give your some time." Coran finally blurted, as if he was holding his words.

"Hey Lance wait up!" Keith yelled after Lance. Everyone had been dismissed to their rooms for rest. Keith still had a Thank You for Lance.

"Yes Mullet?" Lance turned to smirk down at Keith.

"T-thank you, thank you so so much back there! Helping me out like that!" Keith exclaimed out of breath from running.

"Your welcome, you were in trouble I could see! I couldn't just do nothing!" Lance smiled sweetly. "Wait your thanking me?!" His smile quickly turned into a smirk. "You must be starting to warm up to me, maybe even like me! Oh my I'm definitely using this agai-" he was cut off by someones lips on his.

"Shut up sharpshooter..." Keith said cutting the kiss short, but hugging Lance tenderly, placing his face in his chest. "Just shut your mouth for once." Keith smiled into his chest, breathing in Lance's scent.

    Lance was shocked but hugged him back smiling as well. "Fine, just this once though." And they stood like that for hours...because no matter what Lance trusted Keith and Keith trusted Lance to always be there for him.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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