[forty nine - emotional anne & finding a final note]

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Ethan was right.

Anne ended up telling him and Grayson about the news of her cancer spreading that night, the same day that Samantha told me.

It was pretty rough, but it also served as some sort of reality check for all of us. Anne isn't going to be here for much longer, and we need to come to terms with that, no matter how hard it may be.

Of course, Anne being who she is, has made sure Ethan and Grayson know that she wants nothing but for them to be happy when she passes. She realizes that this is harder for them than it is for her, and doesn't want her death to have a terrible effect on her sons. She wants them to continue living their life, with her as only a happy memory.

So Ethan and Grayson promised her. They promised her that they would be happy when she passes, and at least attempt to move on.

Ethan has been incredibly strong these past few days with the news and all. I admire him so much for it. I've been spending more time with him recently than usual to try and keep his mind off of it, too, which he claims has helped him more than anything.

The wedding is this Saturday; only four days away, now. It's almost crazy to think about. We're all flying to New Jersey on Friday, and spending a few nights there.

As for right now, I'm helping Anne with a few last-minute plans for our upcoming vacation.

"We're all staying in my absolute favorite hotel in New Jersey. The rooms are so big, you're going to love it." She tells me, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"I can't wait. And I can't thank you enough for setting all of this up for everyone,"

Anne scoffs, waving her hand in the air.

"Pffft, don't make me blush. I'm just glad that you are able to come."

I smile at her.

She takes one last glance down at her list that she has been working so elegantly on titled "Things I Absolutely CANNOT Forget To Pack" before taking a magnet and placing it in the very middle of the fridge.

"Thanks for all of your help, Jessica." She turns around to say.

"No problem."

Anne sighs before returning to her original position, leaning against the counter. She stares at me for a moment, then smiles.

"I mean, with everything, darling. Not just this," she signals to the lists and traveling plans we have been working so hard on.

My heart becomes instantly warm at her words. She means more to me than she will ever know.

"Can I tell you something I have always wanted to tell you?"

"Of course." Anne leans in.

For some reason, my hands begin to shake slightly in my lap.

"You're the most inspiring person I have ever met."

I watch as she simply closes her eyes for a moment.

When she finally opens them again, a tear escapes her eye. The moment I see it, I start to feel some of my own form.

"Can I tell you something I have always wanted to tell you?"

I nod my head, smiling.

"You have completely changed my son's life, and I will never be able to thank you enough, no matter how hard I try."

My heart drops into my stomach as Anne finishes her sentence, and I feel a tear fall down my right cheek. Anne soon becomes blurry in front of me as my tears fill my eyes.

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