41. Hollow City By Ransom Riggs

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June 24, 2017
July 6, 2017
I'm sorry that I'm falling behind on these. I usally finish books in 2-3 days, but I've been so busy with traveling my reading life has been thrown off. I hope in the next few weeks I'll be able to fix it.
I honestly didn't really like this book very much. In my opinion it was all over the place and I was confused on where we were in the story.


Millard got cut or something and this is his conversation~
"I'll have a scar!" Millard Whined.
"Yes? And who will see it?"
He sulked and said nothing.
I think that part was so funny.

"The Tales are just tales and nothing more," Enoch grumbled.
"Funny," I said, "That's exactly what I thought all of you were, before I met you."
Olive laughed. "Jacob, you're silly. You really thought we were made up?"
Well Olive I would think the same thing Jacob is.

The Gypsy woman told Bronwyn that maybe one day she'll marry a rich, hamdsome man and Bronwyn replys with "My fondest dream."

"Where's your peculiar spirit this morning?"
"In the wash." said Enoch.

The big puller a knapsack from the saddlebag and slung it over his shoulder. He was packed and ready to go. "I can cook," he said, "and chop wood, and ride a horse, and tie all sorts of knots!"
"Someone give him a merit badge," said Enoch.

"I'm afraid she's one of a kind."

"There's no one here," said a small voice.
"Go away," came a second voice. "We're dead."

"Death and blood!" Cried one boy.
"Blood and screaming!" Cried the other.
"Screaming and blood and shadows that bite!" They cried to gether.
"Cheerio!" Horace, turning on his heels.

"Esme can't . . . do anything?" I asked.
"I can count backward from one hunderd in a duck voice!"

Emma is so annoying at the end of the book like let Jacob chose what the fuck he wants to do. Ughhhhh

Caul can I personally kill you? Because YOU FRICKENNNN AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

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