Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Snake

                          Ivory tiredly walked through the hallway on her way to her fourth period class

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                          Ivory tiredly walked through the hallway on her way to her fourth period class. She was tired and upset because Clifton wasn't at school today. He missed his bus and wasn't going to wait for the next one.

She made her way into class and made her way to her seat. Ivory noticed Bianca staring at her and she was sitting by Kayla.

They rolled their eyes as they looked at her. Ivory just ignored them. Over the past few days, Bianca and Kayla has been hanging out with each other a lot.

Mainly because they both didn't like Ivory. All they did was discuss her and when they weren't, they were looking at her.

Even though Kayla found out that Ivory and Riley were no longer talking, she still didn't like the fact that she talked to her man. She never had sex with him yet. She was waiting for the right time and knew that it'll be amazing.

Bianca has been trying to get in contact with Yusuf for two weeks, but he blocked her on everything.

She even took it so far that she stood outside of his house all night. Yusuf wasn't trying to hear nothing she had to say at all.

As soon as Ivory sat down she laid her head on top of her text book like she's been doing for the past few days. She's always exhausted and can barely keep her focus in class anymore.

The moment she closed her eyes, the bell rung indicating that class was over.

She raised her head in confusion. She could've sworn that she just closed her eyes, but everyone else was getting up and made their way out of the classroom.

Sliding out of her seat, she picked up her text book and made her way out, only to be stopped by her teacher.

"Ivory, are you okay? You've been asleep during my instruction everyday this week." Ms. Sanders asked concerned.

Ivory nodded her head. "I'm fine, Ms. Sanders. I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately, I guess." Ivory said as she finger combed her now braided hair.

Her teacher nodded. "Just come here any day after lunch this week to get your missing assignments. I would hate to fail you." She said.

Ivory nodded and walked out of the classroom and made her way to her locker to put her things up for lunch.

After closing her locker, she made her way down her busy hallway by herself.

She was caught off guard as she felt her hair being snatched up and felt a fist connect to her face.

Ivory was dragged down and slammed on her back as punches were repeatedly connected to her face and kicks to her back.

She realized she was being jumped and everything turned red as she started to fight back. Ivory knew who was attacking her.

Bianca set the whole thing up with Kayla yesterday on the phone. She was set on beating Ivory's ass for breaking up her and Yusuf because of her jealousy.

As soon as Bianca noticed that she was on her own today, she instantly started to attack Ivory.

Even though she was getting jumped, Ivory had managed to get up and fight back. She was holding her own against the two, she was honestly winning against Bianca.

Kayla had backed off once she noticed that Ivory was fighting back and wasn't going down at all.

She watched the two go at it and a crowd was formed around them.

Ivory ended up on top of Bianca and Bianca looked up at Kayla, waiting for her to jump back in, but Kayla stood by the crowd and just watched.

If she really would've known that Ivory could fight, she wouldn't of joined Bianca's plan in the first place.

Ivory continued to punch Bianca repeatedly until a security guard ran in full speed and grabbed Ivory off of Bianca.

They both were being carried to the principals office, but Ivory started to feel cramps in her stomach and dizziness.

She started to fall in and out of conscious until everything turned black.

                             "Ivory ...Ivory can you hear me sweetie?" A voice called.

Ivory opened her eyes and everything was blurry and bright. She blinked her eyes repeatedly as she tried to gain focus.

She finally was able to see and the first thing she seen was a nurse.

"Ivory, are you aware of where you are?" She asked.

Ivory nodded her head, noticing that she was obviously in a hospital, but she didn't know exactly why she was here.

"Good, do you know why you're here?" The nurse asked.

Ivory shook her head no, still wondering herself.

"Okay, do you remember when your last period was?" She asked looking at her chart.

Ivory nodded her head. "It was September. Late September." She answered.

The nurse nodded. "It's November 16th." She said trying to help Ivory figure out why she was here.

Ivory remained silent. She was still confused about everything. "Okay?" She said.

The nurse sighed, as soon as she was about to tell her, Ivory's doctor walked in.

He was a tall, Indian man. She was used to having and seeing one doctor whenever she came here, so she knew that she was in a different part of the hospital.

"Hello, Ivory. I'll be your doctor until further notice. How are you feeling?" He asked in a thick accent.

She shrugged. "I guess I'm alright. Why am I here?" She asked impatiently.

He looked through his chart. "Your school told us that you were involved in a physical fight today. You experienced a lot of kick and punches to your body. You also ended up having cramps and vaginal bleeding. The discomfort made you end up fainting." He said.

Ivory was still lost and just wanted him to get to the point. "What happened?" She asked.

He cleared his throat. "Were you aware that you're six weeks pregnant? You still are and we are putting you on bed rest. When you got here, your cervix slightly opened which caused the cramping and bleeding." He said.

The doctor lost her at pregnant and she was no longer hearing anything.

She didn't know what she was going to do or how to tell Yusuf, even worse her family.

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