Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Unexpected

Ivory anxiously sat in her fifth period class. She was ready to get out of her Women Studies class and make her way to lunch.

She met a boy named Clifton, and he was really cool to talk to. The main reason she really liked  him is because he's gay. They could talk about boys all day. She also told her about Yusuf and the things who do for her, but he has a girlfriend.

Too bad she left out the part about him being her best friend's man. Clifton knows Bianca, but he doesn't like the way she presents herself.

She's loud, disrespectful, and extremely ungrateful.

Bianca asked for a pen in class, Clifton lended her a mechanical pencil, and she smacked her lips, rudely declined his kind offer.

The bell finally rung and Ivory grabbed her binder. As she made her way out of the classroom she walked towards her favorite teacher's classroom.

Everyone had that favorite teacher they'll chill with at lunch. Ivory's is Mrs. Morris.

Clifton has been meeting her in the same spot before lunch this whole week and it's Thursday.

Bianca hasn't been in school since Tuesday, but Bianca told Ivory not to worry and that she'll talk to her Friday.

"Ivory, right?" A voice said startling her.

She turned around to see a girl. She recognized her from some of her classes, but they never spoke.

"Yeah ..I'm Ivo-

"I heard you been talking to my man, Riley. Am I correct?" She said cutting her off.

Ivory couldn't help but to chuckle in the girl's face. "Your man been talking to me." She corrected.

The girl, Kayla, shook her head in denial.

She's been chilling with Bianca for a while and Bianca spilled to her that Ivory and Riley been talking here and there.

Bianca didn't know that Kayla was messing with him -or maybe she did. She just run her mouth way too much and Riley and Ivory became the topic of their conversation.

Kayla wasn't going to fight Ivory over a boy, but she just wanted clarification. "Can you just show me that y'all haven't been talking?" She asked.

Ivory scrunched her face up. She couldn't believe how pathetic this girl was acting over his chicken nugget having ass.

He didn't have much to offer after she seen his penis, so she felt no need to lead him onto something that was never going to happen between them.

"Bitch, you had me waiting in her classroom all day. I'm hungry as hell." Clifton nagged as he walked up to Ivory, completely ignoring Kayla's presence.

"Look, Kayla. I'm not going to show you anything. Talk to your man and let him show you." She said as she dismissed her by walking away.

"That hoe is crazy." Clifton said as they walked to the elevator.

They weren't supposed to get on it since it was for special ed and staff, but they got on it anyway.

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