Welcome To Camp Kikiwaka (pt 2)

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note that even though the episode names are the same, the dialogue and events that happen do not/may not occur in the show. also outfits will be on the top.

 also outfits will be on the top

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today was the camp games. lou said that we could wear whatever we wanted, as long as we had on sneakers. so, i wore a shirt with black sleeves with the text los angeles on it, jean shorts and black vans. i grabbed a black cardigan and tied it around my waist.

after i was done getting ready, i met lou, zuri and tiffany outside of the cabins. "emma your late, now were behind." tiffany said.

i scoffed and walked away. i was paying attention to my shows until i bumped into someone. i looked up and saw who it was. "im so sorry xander." i said smiling. he smiled back. "its okay, no harm done." i turned around to walk the other way until xander called my name.

"emma, wait up." he said, running behind me. "oh hey again." i said laughing. he laughed with me. there was an awkward silence before he broke it. "i wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to-"

he couldn't finish because he was cut off by lou running to me. "emma, your up." i waved bye to xander as i ran over to my station. it was pretty simple. all i had to do was walk on a rope across the mud. i started to walk on the rope, going very carefully. i was careful not to fall in the mud. suddenly, i felt a ball hit me which made me fall into the mud. everyone was laughing at me.

"let's see how xander likes little miss perfect now." hazel said with a smile on her face.

"emma!" xander called running up to me and helping me out of the mud. he wiped all the mud off and i smiled at him.

after the camp games were over, i took a shower to get the mud off of me. i laid down on my bed and sighed. "hazel totally humiliated me in front of xander and the entire camp." i told lou as i sighed again. she looked at me and laughed. "ive known xander forever emma." she continued. "he's not that kind of guy. he likes you for you."

i smiled at her. "you really think so?" she nodded. "i know so." i stared at the ceiling and smiled. "thanks for being there lou, even though we just met yesterday. i can tell im gonna have a good you and we are gonna be great friends." she smiled back at me. "we are gonna be amazing friends."

i turned off the light and settled myself in bed. "goodnight everyone." i turned towards the wall and as soon as my head hit the pillow, i was out.
part two of two. words: 486

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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