"If you're not going to tell me Paige, you can just collect your shit and get out. Please find someone else to give you a ride tomorrow. In fact..." He said as went to his bag and pulled out my plane ticket. "I don't think you'll need this anymore." And without thinking, he ripped it in half. "NO!" I yelled but it was all for nothing. I just watched my only way to Connecticut get destroyed right in front of my eyes. "I don't know what you're crying for, I paid for it." He said as he looked me up and down in disgust. I suddenly balled up my fists and contained myself from punching him right in the nose. I had to think about my career and my image and although it seemed like the best thing to do, I didn't want to lose it all because of one guy.

"That's it." I said as I stormed into the bedroom to collect all my things. I thanked God that I didn't take out all of my things from my luggages, so I only had a few things to grab. "Yeah! Go get your stuff. See if your little 'Sasha' will take you in! No one is gonna put up with your mierda like I did! Oh and Paige, have a safe trip to Connecticut tomorrow." He said as he leaned against the door frame with an evil smirk on his face, watching me gather my things. "Get out of the way." I said as I grabbed my two luggages and brushed up against his shoulder. "Gladly." I heard him say as I stormed out of the hotel room.

I looked up and down the hallway, not knowing where to go. Should I go to Dean or Sasha? I was already beginning to feel like a burden. How was I going to get to Connecticut without a plane ticket? Flights must all be fully booked by now. I said to myself as tears were starting to form in my eyes again. I inhaled deeply, be strong Paige. I kept telling myself. I walked down the hallway with my two luggages in my hands and pressed the elevator button. It was hard to carry everything around but I wanted to get away, so I managed the best way I could.

I stood in the exact same spot from last night. I still found it difficult to work up the courage and knock. But I had to do it, there was no other option. Well actually there was, but I didn't wanna interrupt Sasha and Roman's activities. I took in a deep breath and knocked three times, just like last night. "Yeah?" Dean said as he opened up the door, "Paige?!" He said as soon as he caught of glimpse of me. I started to cry hysterically and he pulled me in for a hug, where he saw my stuff behind me, realizing what had happened. "Come in." He finally said and grabbed my luggages, bringing them inside.

I went in wiping away my tears from my face and cleared my throat. I knew my eyes were red and puffy, I hated for anyone to see me crying, so I tried my best to avoid any eye contact. Dean sat me down and gave me a glass of water. "Calm down, Paige and tell me everything." Dean said. "Alberto kicked me out..." I said with my voice cracking. I was on the verge of crying again but I did my best not to. "Ah God, did you?" He said running a hand through his hair. "Did ya tell him what we did?" He furrowed his eyebrows waiting for my answer, he almost looked mad. "No, but he knew that I wasn't with Sasha last night and he suspected me of cheating, so he kicked me out." I said looking down at my feet.

"If anyone finds out about this..." Dean said as he got up and began to pace around the room. "Is your job the only thing that concerns you, Dean?" I asked. Suddenly, I felt like crying again but not because of Alberto but because of Dean. Where was the guy that was with me last night? Surely it wasn't the same person that hugged me from behind and told me I was beautiful. "Yeah, because you know what, Paige? I'm the fuckin' WWE Intercontinental Champion, do you know how prestigous that is? I can't be in situations like these and not to mention, I'm already in a relationship with another person." I could see him losing it right in front of my face. I shook my head in disbelief and immediately got up to face Dean.

"I'm sorry, champ." I said pushing his chest with my finger, "I'm sorry that you sent me that note because you know what, I was better off without all this mess." I reached my arms up to push him with both hands but he grabbed me just in time. I was trying to loosen his grip but he was stronger than me. "I'm sorry I had to give you that ride." He said quietly and let my hands go roughly. I stood there looking up to Dean in shock. If everything wasn't bad enough, Dean just hit the nail on the coffin. I knew he could see the hurt in my eyes as tears were building up again and quickly running down my face. He hit a very weak spot of mine and I knew regretted saying that. He reached for me again and I took a couple of steps back.

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