Harry Potter Percy Jackson Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

Ron: You like my sister!?

Me: No!

Ron: I meant Harry.

Harry: Umm, uhh, I have to go to the bathroom?

Me: *Snaps fingers and makes a door.* There it is. Next truth! Percy!

Percy: Crud!

Annabeth: If you kill me, I'll murder you.

Percy: What's the truth?

Me: If you could leave Annabeth SAFE and Camp Half-Blood, would you go back to Calypso's Island, Ogygia?

Percy: Is Calypso there?

Me: Yes.

Percy: Am I her brother?

Me: No!

Percy: No.

Annabeth: Thank the gods!

Me: Next dare! Everybody except Lavender.

Lavender: Yes!

Me: Harry has to kiss Reyna.

Harry: What!

Reyna: Okay.

Ginny: But he just said he likes ME!

Ron: *glares at Ginny and Harry*

Ginny: Not that I care!

Harry: *face falls* Let's get this over with.

Reyna: Boys.

*They kiss, and break away after approximately 1.3 seconds*

Me: Great! Now, Ron and-

Ron: Not Parvati, not Parvati!

Parvati: *to Lavender, whispering* See! He might like you!

Me: Annabeth!

Annabeth: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

Ron: Ohh, yeah.

Me: Now!

*They kiss and after 0.3 seconds, Annabeth knees Ron in the stomach.

Ron: What'd I do?

Annabeth: You kissed me!

Ron: It wasn't my fault! Not that I'm complaining.

Percy: *puts arms around Annabeth* What was that?

Ron: I'm complaining! I wanted to kiss- *slaps hand over mouth*

Me: We'll find out later!

Hermione and Lavender: No, now!

Me: What was that?


Me: That's what I thought. Percy, kiss Ginny.

Ginny and Harry: What!

Ron: Harry.

Harry: I just-uh, don't think he's a  good guy.

Percy: Shut it.

Annabeth: I don't think this is very fair.

Me: Do it!

*They kiss*

*12 seconds later*

Annabeth: And you're done!

Harry: I agree!

Me: Aye aye aye. Next up, Leo, kiss Hermione!

Ron: What!

Leo: Cool.

Hermione: Fine.

Ron: 'Mione! You don't have a problem with this?

Hermione: *hopefully* Do you want me to have a problem with it?

Lavender: Yeah, do you LIKE her?

Ron: What!? No. I just... don't think Leo is a good guy?

Me: Kiss!

*They kiss, and Leo tries to do it for longer, but Hermione slaps him.*

Hermione: No more!

Me: Yup! Frank, Parvati.

Hazel: Objection!

Parvati: *looking around* Nobody cares what I do. Nobody loves me.

Frank: Let's get this over with.

Parvati: Slightly offended.

*They kiss and Hazel pulls them apart after 0.7 seconds*

Me: Last, Draco kiss Hazel!

Hazel, Draco, and Frank: What!

Draco: I'm not kissing that filthy non-magic!

Hazel: I have magic! *makes gem pop out of the ground* Here, take this.

Draco: *takes it*

Me: High five! *high fives Hazel* now kiss.

*they kiss for 0.0000000000000000001 seconds*

Me: pathetic. That was the last kiss!

All except Leo: Yeah!

Leo: Poop.

Me: Truth! Percy, how many girls did you date before Annabeth?

Percy: Um, none?

Me: Veritaserum!

Percy: *drink is forced down throat* One! Kind of...

Me: Who?

Annabeth: Yeah, who!?

Percy: Calypso.

Me: Ah.

Annabeth: When was the last time you saw her?

Percy: A year and a half ago.

Annabeth: Fine.

Me: Jason, what about you?

Jason: I didn't date anybody before Annabeth! I have never dated Annabeth.

Me: Before Piper!

Jason: 23.

Piper: What!

Jason: But I saved the best for last!

Piper: Aww, me too.

Jason: *sigh of relief*

Piper: I can't wait to meet him.

Me: Burn! Frank, how many?

Frank: None.

Me: Veritaserum.

Frank: *drinks it* None.

Hazel: Aww! I'm your first! How sweet!

Me: Last truth!

Everyone: Yay!

Me: Okay, that's all for today!

All: Yes!

Hey guys! So I was wondering if some of you could maybe comment some truths or dares? Thanks! I' hope you liked it!

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