Chapter Twenty

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The Welcoming Ceremony is a celebration for new rulers who take the throne. It is to welcome these rulers into the society and to introduce the gods to this new ruler. It's an extravagant event that even the poorest of souls are invited to. Today is my induction ceremony and I'm scheduled to do another speech to thank the North for accepting me as ruler. Just thinking about my upcoming speech has my stomach in knots the size of both the Eastern and Western societies combined.

I let loose the air I've been holding in and focus my attention on the dress laid on my bed. A seamstress had it made solely for this affair. When I first saw the dress, my breath was stolen from me. The beautiful, golden colored dress glimmers like pure gold and lays with a gentle grace. When I slide it over my skin, it synchs at the top and flows effortlessly past my waist, skimming the heels of my feet. I run my hands down the sides of the dress and stand in front of my full-length mirror. Silver jewels decorate the sweetheart neck line and smaller gems decorate the bodice.

I allow for an artist to enter my room and paint my face with whirls of gold and silver. Swirls wrap around my eyes, creating a mask of makeup, and tiny jewels are glued to the corners of my eyes. Dark ink lines my blue eyes and silver gloss is painted onto my lips. After staring at me for a moment the gifted artist murmurs, "Perfect."

I gawk at my reflection and feel perfect. I'm not a natural beauty by the North's standards, but that's never made me feel ugly. Now, staring at my reflection, I see how pretty I could be. The makeup enhances my sharp cheekbones and makes my nose look slimmer. The ink makes my eyes pop and the jewels give me an ethereal look.

"Thank you," I tell the artist. "You are dismissed." With a slight bow, the artist leaves my room and I give my reflection one last look before strapping on a pair of heels. My heels clank against the floor as I make my way to the prayer room. Every Welcoming Ceremony starts off at the prayer room and ends outside, in the city.

As I make my way there, I spot a figure walking towards me. When my eyes land on Arlo, my steps falter. His formfitting tux is maroon in color and he's wearing a bow tie made of gold fabric. His hair is combed back and the beard he started growing is gone. "You look handsome," I tell him. He smiles as he looks me over, "And you look beautiful." I grin up at him and link our arms together. Together we head to the prayer room and I force myself not to dwell on my impending speech.

"Nervous?" Arlo asks me.

"Extremely," I say honestly.

He laughs, "You are going to do great." My face scrunches in disbelief, but I try to have faith in him and in myself.

When we pass the prayer room gates, I'm immediately surrounded by guards. Six of them form a square around me, separating me from Arlo. The familiar bald head in front of me, soothes my nerves a little. It's nice seeing Delmi here, protecting me just as she used to under Sahils rule.

I am led to the fountain and I stand next to it, not in front of it. I'm to speak alongside our sacred monument, not to block it. My heart speeds up as the guards spread out and open my view to an empty room, almost empty-save for Arlo and my guards.

My ears perk up as a bell tolls in the distance. In minutes, the prayer room fills up with as many people as it can hold. My head is spinning from my nerves and anxiety and I keep my gaze on Arlo. He's giving me an encouraging smile, but I can't lift my lips enough to send him one of my own. Then a second bell tolls, signaling the start to the North's seventh Welcoming Ceremony.

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