Chapter Sixteen

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I'll never get used to my eyes, once they were a serene gold, but are now a strange, sapphire blue. Too striking and too electrifying to be human, and nothing like the golden eyes that marked me as ungifted.

Arlo said that the second I sat on the Northern throne, my eyes started to change from gold to blue. The first thing I thought of when I saw my eyes for the first time, was my conversation with Nome. He noted that my gold eyes didn't correspond with the Northern element, water. As I stare back at myself in the reflection, all I can think of is how, now they do. Green for Earth, red for Fire, silver for Wind, and blue for Water.

Even with that all figured out, I still have so many questions lingering inside my head. Why were my eyes gold? Why did they change to blue? How did they change? I could go hours and hours asking myself all the questions wreaking havoc on my mind, but I have other things to focus on.

I am the queen now. I have people counting on me and waiting for me. My first act as ruler was to end the fighting, the ungifted had already won the battle. I am now in the process of enacting my second act as ruler.

I stand in front of a floor length mirror, wearing an obscene, blue ball gown. Golden jewels flow down the whole left side, mocking me. My golden necklace is settled around my neck and I slip my feet into a flimsy pair of heals.

My mind plays over the numbers of the war, 137 ungifted dead, 70 gifted dead, 280 people injured, but still breathing. I put a hand to my side, where a bandage covers a deep cut. I was stabbed there and while I was offered to be healed, I refused. Arlo was another one of the 280 people that were injured. He had several cuts marring the skin on his arms and a deep gash on his leg. I had him healed the second I saw the wounds. Desmond remained unscathed and so did Tulsa.

On the other side, there is General Kai. He was shot three times, once in the leg and twice in the stomach. I also had him healed and placed into the cells down below. I put him in the same one he had me in, but felt little joy. The other two cells are filled with everyone who refused to accept me as their ruler. We need more cells.

It was very hard for most people to believe that an ungifted is now the ruler, but seeing me on throne eased their minds. Every time I sit on the throne though, I feel like I'm going to be rejected. Desmond was ecstatic when I didn't die on the throne, it proved that an ungifted won't automatically be rejected and killed. It proved that the Gods would allow an ungifted to rule over the societies. It proved to all the ungifteds that Desmond's plan will work.

I watch the blue in my eyes pool around and burst with all different shades. It makes me miss the gold that I hated so much in the past. I glare at my reflection and realize most of my hate is directed towards Desmond. He forced me into power, which was the last thing I wanted. I do not want to rule at all, but here I am, the ruler of the Northern Society.

While I am the ruler now, I have a feeling it will not last long. Desmond has a plan, one that does not include saving the ungifteds, I'm sure of it. Even with all the information given to me by Sahil, I still have questions. I look away from my reflection and head out of my room. Now is not the time to think of questions, now is the time to mourn.

Today we are burying all the dead, starting with Sahil. Ever since I took the throne, Anahi has been ignoring me. After much effort on my part, I was able to convince her to come to her father's funeral. She hates me now, and a part of me hates myself to. I knew all along that in order for Desmond's plan to work, Sahil would have to die. I never let myself think too much about it, which was a huge mistake.

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