"Welcome to the revolution, then," someone who is not Tulsa says. My head turns to a silver-eyed man. "Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Desmond and I am the leader of this revolution." He sits straighter in his chair and I ask, "If you're the leader, why don't you take the Northern throne?"

"I'm already in line for the Western throne."


Desmond is a man that has to be in his late thirties. A supposedly Ungifted man whose eighteen birthday was a long time ago. He was at this table yesterday and he faded right into the background, I never once took a real notice to him. Desmond stands, leaving his seat and walks towards me. My breath stalls, I have no idea what's to come. I think joining this cause is the right decision, but these people are all strangers. Yet, so were the people in the palace. Sahil and Anahi kept secrets from me my whole life. I wouldn't be surprised if General Kai and Delmi also know of the truth. Maybe that was why Delmi never answered my questions, maybe she never wanted to get too close to me. Last night, I thought about all I've learned and about what they were asking of me.

"I need proof," I tell Desmond.

"Proof of what?" He now stands at Tulsa's side.

"I need to see what is happening in the other societies."

"You want to see what they're doing to the Ungifteds?" Desmond asks.

"I need to see how badly people like us are being treated." People like us, it was hard to say, but a part of me thinks it's true. Locking eyes with people who have as unnatural ones as my own, makes me feel like I belong here. Tulsa was right, I do feel a strange connection to them.

Stuck in a palace my whole life, I never saw people being treated poorly. Maybe seeing the slavery and discrimination will give me a reason to fight for them. "You say they are being mistreated, but all of you are strangers. I need more proof than words can give."

Desmond looks at me; he has the same expression on his face that Sahil did when I asked to leave the palace. "Then we will give it to you. Arlo is going out for a search patrol tomorrow. You may join him and see for yourself what is happening."

"You want to bring her to the East? You know what happens there." Arlo says.

"What happens in the Eastern Society?" I ask.

Desmond is the one who answers my question, "Public executions, almost every week. We don't know if there will be one tomorrow so you should be prepared for it." I don't know how one can prepare to witness a murder.

"My execution was supposed to be public. Are they common in the Northern Society?"

Desmond shakes his head, "Not at all. To be honest, I'm not sure why Sahil decided to give you a public execution." I nod, thankful that not everything in the Northern Society is messed up. Not knowing what else to say, I think over what Desmond has told me. He said I would be joining Arlo on a search patrol tomorrow, but I have no idea what that is.

"What is a search patrol?"

"It's when we send people out to search for Ungifteds. If possible, we will take them and bring them here."

"You would take them from their families?" I ask. Just like Sahil took me from mine.

"They don't have families," this comes from Arlo. He speaks in his usual detached voice and I'm starting to believe his frown is permanent.

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