
After two hours of reading, I hear a sharp knock on my door. "Come in," I say.

The door cracks open and a head, Delmi's head, pops in, "Mr. requests your presence."

I open my mouth to ask why, but Delmi, my head guard, refuses to answer any of my questions, so I simply nod. My eyes track down my page number, 237, and I close the book, setting it on the edge of my bed. Delmi opens the door wider and steps aside to let me through. The guards walk in step with me as Delmi leads the way to Sahil's office.

When we reach his office, Delmi knocks on the door and silently waits for a response. After a moment, the door swings open, and General Kai gestures with his arm to let us through. Delmi looks to me and I, alone, walk through the door. General Kai, Sahil's right hand man, leaves the room.

Sahil sits at his office, riffling through piles of papers. When he glances up and sees me, he pushes all those papers aside. "Good, you're here. Please take a seat." Even though I've known Sahil my whole life, he always talks to me in a formal manner. I respect him, so I return the favor, "Thank you." I bow my head before taking a seat.

"I wanted to discuss your future." What future? The question presses against my lips, but I refuse to let the words free.

"As is scheduled, your sacrificial execution will be in exactly two weeks." Sacrificial-as if I ever had a choice.

"With your time limited, I would like to know if you have any requests."

"Requests?" I ask.

"Yes, is there anything special you would like? Maybe a party before your last day? Any special items you would like to wear? Just name it and we will supply you with it." How about new eyes? I shut my eyes, the ones that will never change, for a second. I have accepted my fate. I repeat it in my head a couple times until I believe it again.

I open my golden eyes and stare at Sahil, an answer already formed. "My only request is that for my remaining weeks, I be granted the opportunity to leave the palace grounds. Guards can accompany me, if you feel it is necessary, but I will not leave this Society. I have accepted my fate and I especially do not want to harm anyone."

As I speak, Sahil's eyes widen a fraction. He clearly wasn't expecting me to say that. "Please," I say. "You say you let me live because I deserve to live, but how am I living? I'm stuck in the palace all day, every day; this is no life." I plead with him, softening my voice.

Sahil rubs his chin, thinking through my request. "Every time you leave, you will be in the company of three guards and one of my trusted generals." A giddy feeling overwhelms me and my feet leave the ground.

"Don't get too excited. There will be rules. You will have a curfew and will also have to check in with me every hour." I don't mind the rules one bit. It's not like I've never left the palace, but I haven't been passed the palace gates since I was a child.

"Is there anything else, Sir?"

"Not at the moment. I'll see you at dinner."

"Thank you," I say gratefully. I bow my head and skip out of his office. I shut the door behind me and a curtain of guards covers me. We make it back to my room in record time and I jump excitedly when my door is shut. I go to my bed and leap, sending my book flying off, landing with a soft thud on the floor.

My world spins as I revel in my excitement. I can't remember the last time I was actually excited about something. Before I know it, dinner time has arrived.

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