It was quiet for a moment. She slowly turned around, looking towards you with a solid expression. Her hand slowly rose up with her gun aimed, directly towards you. You gasped, stepping back and slowly holding your hand out. "Ada, wait-"

She fired the gun, making you jump. Her bullet was aimed at a lone zombie that managed to fool you by playing dead. The bullet hit the center of its forehead, sending it to the ground immediately. You looked over to see what she had done, then looked back towards her, watching her lower the weapon. "Don't tell the others I'm alive." She continued walking, leaving you frozen with shock. "Playing dead isn't going to get you anywhere Ada!" You called out, seeing her disappear behind the door.

You sighed, your hand rubbing the back of your neck, noticing the skin on your arms changing color in patches, the beginning of bruises forming. You could follow Leon and Claire, but you no idea where they were, and guessing on a direction would take too much time. You took Ada's advice, going towards the security room to wait for them to return. At least you could keep an eye on Sherry in the meantime. You slowly opened the door, seeing Sherry laying in the bed with her eyes closed, using her arms as a pillow. The door closed behind you, leaving the room dead silent, blocking out the sirens from the blast furnace room.

You approached the chair Claire had put next to the bed, slowly sitting down with a long hiss, panting a little from the pain. You looked over at Sherry, seeing her calm and peaceful expression. That of which, an innocent child should have, at all times. It was strange. Every time you looked into those eyes, you were reminded of your own childhood. She too, had parents who neglected her, leaving her alone while they studied their important research.

Sure, your parents weren't scientists, but they were similar to William and Annette, if you could count the abuse on their alcohol more important than your education, and well-being. When you were given into Wesker's care, it started off cold. He hated children, period. Being the age you were back then, you were smart enough to see the deadly glare behind the shades. Sooner or later, he taught you the basics on using a weapon when you got out of your morning classes, a simple combat knife for starters. He seemed to soften up when witnessing your eagerness to learn, your determination to do better. It made his job a bit easier. He wanted you to prove you weren't a waste. To prove you weren't just a dumb, good for nothing child.

You started to see him as a father-like figure in your life, standing by you while you aimed a good shot, fixing your stance when you stepped wrong. He gave out the compliments like a drill Sergeant, his voice never changing, but you knew. You were on his good side, always. On the night of your parent's death, he didn't refer to it as a killing, simply called it a Graduation.

The one thing you couldn't understand from it all was why he never told you of Umbrella's intentions. Was he ever going to tell me? I mean, come on, We trust eachother, dosen't he? Or was he trying to protect me?

You let out a small laugh, leaning back against the chair. "Protect me...good one (Y/N)." You told yourself. Yet, you started to wonder if maybe that's why he chose to give you all the training, because he knew this was coming. He probably knew Raccoon City was going to be infected all along...

That's why he let me go out here!!

"That son of a bitch..." You whispered, realizing his intentions.

Faint, fast footsteps started to grab your attention from the outside. Your hand went to your machine gun, standing up as quickly as you could. You kept your stance, aiming toward's the door and blocking Sherry's sight with your body. You heard the footsteps getting louder and closer.

The door opened, revealing Claire and Leon, bruised and splattered with blood. Tiredness was written all over their features, that was, until they saw you.

"(Y/N)???" Claire cried out while lowering her gun, breathtaken.

"(Y/N)!" Leon quickly put his gun away, a mix or surprise and shock in his voice. You smiled, lowering your gun and stepping over to him. Unfortunately, you managed to step wrong, your leg trembled before giving out on you. You yelped before falling, placing your hands to where you could catch yourself.

You didn't come in contact with the ground, finding a pair of arms grabbing ahold of you. Leon held you tightly, right on your sore arms, it made you cry out in pain from the forming bruises. He helped you stand straight, but you couldn't help leaning onto him for support, your hands on his shoulders while his were on your waist. "You're alive, I thought you were dead." He spoke softly, concern hidden in bits of his voice.

You looked up at him, seeing his blue eyes filled with worry and a slight tinge of sadness. Slowly, you lifted one of your hands to his cheek, your thumb stroking a bruise that looked like it was forming on his lower jaw. "I'm not.." you whispered, "I'm not leaving you that easy."

You leaned up as best as you could, pressing a faint kiss on his cheek. "Did you get it? The vaccine?"

He nodded, reaching over and pulling the tube with a clear, green tinted liquid out of his pocket. "We got it."

Claire walked over to Sherry's side, checking her forehead. "We need to give it to her, now. She's burning up like crazy."
You slowly pulled Leon's arm off of you, allowing him to get to Claire's side to give Sherry the vaccine. Claire took the tube and examined it, figuring out if their was any way to open the tube. She twisted open a small metal cap, revealing a sharp syringe needle hiding underneath.

You got to Claire's other side, moving Sherry's head over to expose her neck. "Through here."

Claire slowly stuck the needle through the vein she could find. The liquid started to drain from the tube, disappearing into Sherry's blood stream. She pulled the needle out when it was empty, staring at Sherry for any reaction.

Nothing happened.

This is super anticlimactic.

"Did it work?" You spoke, looking to see if Sherry would wake up, or even move. "We'll just have to wait." Claire stepped back, putting the empty tube on the counter, leaning against it while rubbing her head.

"Hey," you turned towards them, seeing how beaten up they were. "What happened out there?"

Claire was quiet, looking over to Leon to see if he could explain it. He was silent for a moment, before crossing his arms. "On our way back with the vaccine, we came across William. The virus in his system is mutating every chance we defeat him. He's isn't recognizable as a human anymore. Yet, he kept calling for Sherry."

"Oh my god....did you come across Annette?"

Claire turned around. "Annette is dead, William to her, we were too late."

"Shit." You looked down in response, turning your gaze to Sherry. "What do we do about her now?"

Both of them were silent. They didn't have an answer either.

In Angel's Clothing-Resident Evil 2Where stories live. Discover now