Chapter 6- Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

I end up dozing off and am woken up by a nurse I'm not familiar with.

"Honey, it's 11:00, why don't you go home and get some rest." She tells me with sympathy in her eyes.

11:00? How did I fall asleep that long?

I slowly nod my head, give my dad a kiss goodbye and drive home, crawl into bed and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up and realize it's Saturday! I can barely contain my excitement and the day seems to zip by. When I check the clock it's 5:00 and I decide to start getting ready since everyone is meeting at my house and leaving from there.

First I put on my makeup, adding a little more this time because it's our second date. I apply mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a peach lipstick. Then I slip on my bracelet from Will and dress so I don't ruin my hair, which I curl into beach waves to go with the dress I bought. After I'm done I look in the mirror and barely recognize what I see.  The person looking back at me looks older and not to sound conceded, but also prettier than normal.

At 6:30 the doorbell rings and I assume it must be Leah. I open it to find Will standing there in khaki pants and a dark green button down shirt. When he looks at me his eyes widen and he doesn't say anything which makes things a little, actually a lot uncomfortable.

"Uh, hi. You can come in." I tell him, but my voice comes out cracky.

"Okay." He replies still not taking his eyes off me.

"What?" I ask him, embarrassed that he won't stop staring at me.

"It's just, you look really great tonight." He says trying to find the right words and the shy Will is back but only for a second. His eyes flicker to my bracelet. The bracelet! I have to thank him.

"Thanks, so do you! By the way I love the bracelet, it's beautiful." I tell him.

He steps closer to me so that we are inches from each other. "I'm glad you like it." He says and I try to say something to break the silence.

"Yeah, I, um." I ramble when the corner of his lips quirk up.

"Hmm, somebody seems a little nervous. Don't worry I like it when you ramble nerd." He tells me, as he gives me a wink.

I playfully shove his shoulder. "Well it's hard not to be when you stare at me like that." I quickly shoot back, happy at his compliment but mad that my stupid cheeks keep blushing.

"Well it's hard not to stare at you, I mean you look really great tonight, but so different." He looks at me seriously. "I just want to let you know that you don't have to wear all this makeup for me. I think you look wonderful without I'll of it on. You just seem less comfortable with it on that's all." He tells me and it's like he read my mind.

"Really? Thank you!" I tell him, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. "I hate the feeling it leaves on my face!"

"I kind of figured, I like you for you, not because of the makeup you wear. You look amazing without it." He replies very sincerely. He leans over and whispers in my ear "That dress though, jeez Lou, I swear you're trying to kill me!"

I feel my face turn crimson red and he starts to lean in.

"Hey gu... woah, sorry to interrupt!" Leah says as she walks in with Zach following close behind.

"It's fine, you didn't interrupt anything!" I blurt and Leah wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Sureee, well we should probably get going if we want to make our reservation." Leah responds, giving me the look. As we are heading out the door Zach's phone rings.

"What? Okay, I understand. You too, bye. Well, looks like we're ordering pizza! They gave our reservation away because some rich guy needed the place tonight and was willing to pay them big bucks." Zach tells us all, looking disappointed and angry.

"Don't worry about it. We'll make it fun here!" Leah tells him placing her hand on his bicep and I know exactly what she's doing. Sneaky, very sneaky.

We order two large pizzas and when they get here I can't wait to dig in. As usual it's delicious and the double date is awesome! Nothing is awkward and we joke back and forth the whole time and get to know Zach. He seems like a nice guy but there's something that seems off about him. When I get up to head to the kitchen to get a drink he says he's going to get one too. 

"So, you and Leah seem to really be hitting it off!" I tell him, testing the waters.

"Yeah, she's a great girl but we are just casually seeing each other for now in case something better comes along." He says and winks at me.

Did he just do what I think he did? No way, he wouldn't flirt with me when Leah is in the other room. I brush it off and nod my head, thinking he wouldn't do that. We head back in and at 1:00 everybody but Will leaves.

"You don't have to help me clean Will." I tell him, feeling bad that he's still here.

"No, really it's fine. You shouldn't have to do this all by yourself and let's face it you know you want me here." He says raising his eyebrows. I try to do the same but end up making a face that looks like I'm constipated. We both end up breaking out in laughter rolling around on the floor.

"I take it you can't raise your eyebrows?" He asks.

"Hmmm, what gave it away?" I reply sarcastically as he gets up to leave.

"I had a lot of fun tonight Lou." He says, walking over to me.

"Me too." I reply breathlessly, thinking for sure he's going to kiss me. He wraps his arms around my waist and looks down at me. After he does nothing I decide to just be be bold and ask him why he isn't.

"Are you going to kiss me?" I ask, like it's obvious he should.

His face turns into a smile. "Nope. I'm doing that when you're not expecting it and lets be honest, right now it's predictable. That means that there's going to have to be a next time so, how about we go out on Monday?" He asks me leaving me excited that he wants to see me again.

"That sounds like a good plan. All of it." I respond, feeling giddy.

"Ok, I'll see you then." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"See ya!" I tell him, hugging back. He waves goodbye and walks out the door.
Hi guys! Tell me what you think of this chapter! I know, I know we all want them to kiss already but where's the fun in it happening so early?! Don't worry it will happen sooner or later. Pleaseee vote this chapter! Love you guys!❤️❤️❤️

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