Chapter 1

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     I'd been watching this low-life for almost a month now. Watching and seething. I'd seen some pretty extreme cases, but this one was one of the worst I'd seen in my entire five years of doing this.
   Oh, hold on. You're probably a little lost. So let me catch you up. But we have to be quick because as you can see, I have a job to do. 
     Okay, first things first. I am Veronica Martin. And I'm a social worker.
    So why am I hiding in the bushes watching the subject of one of my cases, you ask? I can see why you'd ask. Because that's not the normalcy of social work, right? You probably expected to see me sitting in a tightly cramped cubicle somewhere in a building in Downtown Nashville. 
   Oh, lord. You couldn't be more wrong, my new friend. No. I'm social services like you've never seen before. But hey, we'll get into that later.
  Shit! Here's my chance to get in the house while this scumbag is distracted. This www always my favorite part of the job. Let's do this.
     But hey, while I still have a little time, let me fill you in on my prey, so to speak.
    Mr Ryan Monroe. We'd been investigating this bastard for quite some time now. We suspected him of abusing his teenage son, Adam.
   Adan was a star student and the quarterback back of the football team at West High. A cliche, I know. But it's the facts. And it also ties into any the elder Monroe was so hard on him. The typical strained father-athlete relationship, only this was times ten.
    Adam was only 16 and Mr Monroe beat him like he was a grown man. I usually feel for the victims as it is, but Adam's case wrenched my stone cold heart. I hated Ryan Monroe with everything in me in such a short but long enough time or targeting him.
    Speaking of Adam, there he is. When he rolls into the driveway, that is my cue. And apparently Mr Monroe's as well.
   He had been silently waiting in his chair, waiting so calmly that it was sickening.
   You see, Adam's grades had been sent out today. And let's just say, they didn't meet up to Ryan's ridiculous expectations.
   I suppress the urge to cringe as he shot up and made a beeline for the door, belt in hand.
   Here comes the good part, folks.
  I quickly slip into the window I have been watching him through. 
  I knew exactly where he would drag Adam off to. I quickly climbed up the stairs and got into position.
   And now, we wait.

   The seconds ticked by ever so teasingly. It's like the low-life knew I was in here, waiting to take him down. But of course he didn't. No one ever knows about me. And let's be clear, I like it that way.
   It doesn't matter how long he spends out there, once he steps foot back in the house, it's over.
  I hear what I know is a fist connecting with a jaw and then the unmistakable sound of Adam hitting the ground. I held my breath and pray that he doesn't just take Adam out right then and there. Nothing is stopping me from completing this mission, but oh man, my job is done much easier behind closed doors. Monroe wouldn't be so stupid as to beat his son right out in the open. He couldn't be.
   My prayers are suddenly answered t the sound of a slamming door. It's time.
   "You are dead, you worthless piece of shit! You hear me?! DEAD!" He screams as he practically drags Adam in the house.
   I fought down the sick feeling in my stomach. I'd heard my targets talk down to their victims many times in my line of work, but this bastard took it way too far. Makes me wish I could rip his tongue out and cut it into pieces with my favorite dagger.
   He not Adam showed any sign of knowing I was there. But they were about to be made aware.
   I tried to drown out Adam's pleas for mercy. This poor kid didn't believe anyone was ever going to help him. But prayers were about to be answered just as soon as they rounded the corner.
   And then there they were.
"Dad, please-" he never finished his plea.
"Let the boy go, scumbag."

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