Chapter 3 - Siamese Disaster

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Fan didn't notice the scarlet liquid drenching the grass due to the darkness of night.
He examined the roof where the tiles had fallen from.
'It couldn't have been the weather,' He thought to himself. It was true, the weather so far had been glorious.

Fan pulled his phone from his hoodie pocket, as he'd fallen asleep wearing it. He tac-taced away at the phone keyboard, invested in updating his blog with this new found discovery. Fan didn't even realise he was standing directly in the large splatter of blood.

Nor did he hear the creaking sound coming from the roof.

"Aaand- posted," he chirped. "Maybe someone here can- AUGH!"
Something heavy rolled off the rooftop onto Fan, knocking the breath out of him as they both fell to the grass.
He writhed, gasping for air, face submerged in ominous liquid.

Fan almost vomited at the strong, pungent smell of iron. He may have been a shut-in but he knew the smell well enough. "BLOOD! Ew! Did I really fall that hard?"

He put both hands beside him and tried to slowly lift himself up but found that he couldn't.

Something heavy weighed on Fan's back; the thing that fell from the roof. He opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by a heavy wheeze.

'What the hell?!'

Fan lifted his head from the floor floor. He was now face to face with the Cherries.

Cherries was laying on Fan's chest, eyes glazed over and head oozing blood from an indent on one of their scalps.


The conjoined twins' eyes rolled to white and they passed out cold on Fan's chest.
Fan's quiet and horrified whimpering turned into screams. He grabbed the Cherries their shook his small, weak frame. He shook and shook until both heads fell backwards limply.

Sheer terror struck Fan like an arrow. His breathing hitched and caught in his throat. His vision blurred and his eyes stung with tears.


Needless to say, he wasn't worried about his bladder anymore. That had been taken care of.

"..What the hell are you doing? Do you know what time it is?"
Approaching behind Fan and the limp body was MePhone4. He was fresh out of bed.
MePhone wasn't as Fan usually saw him on tv - now disgruntled and obviously grumpy from his sudden awakening.

Frozen with shock, Fan could only stare at the bed-headed man behind him. It took moments for the fact that Fan was smothered beneath a bloodied corpse to sink in.
"Oh," MePhone inhaled sharply, observing the scene with an hazy blue gaze. "Another accident? You new contestants are really giving me the runaround."

The red-head's face twinged with intrigue as MePad was summoned over. Did he even sleep?
The masked man hoisted the conjoined twins off from Fan's body, helping him to his feet in the process.

"Imagine the lawsuit, MePad!" MePhone tutted in the direction of Fan as the two strolled away like there wasn't just a brutal crimescene.

Within minutes, the empty shell of a contestant (two contestants?) was gone, and a terrified crowd had formed around the scene from both dorms.

"What happened?"
"Somebody died!"
"It's not like this is the first death."
"Remember Bow?"
"That was scary!"
"You really like pineapple pizza?"

Marshmallow shrunk away to the back of the crowd. She tugged on her icy ringlets nervously. The thought of Bow's death made her want to vomit - especially since it was mostly her fault.

'I know Cherries wasn't the nicest person- uh, people,' she thought. 'But they didn't deserve to die. They were so young.'

Tears stung her eyes and cascaded down her face. She didn't turn when a hand rubbed her arm reassuringly. "I have no idea what's going on," Apple whispered from behind her. "But you'll be okay, Marsh! Not like it's you who's dead, right?"

Marshmallow's jaw dropped for a second. "How insensitive can you be?" She took Apple's hand and slammed it into her chest.
The other was silent for a moment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine. I just..." Marsh turned to look at the crowd of erratic contestants. Her gaze shifted to Fan; Cherries' blood was splattered across his chest and back; he looked bewildered.

"Just what?" Apple echoed. Marshmallow turned to face her again.
"When Fan came in he didn't seem the type know... kill someone."
Apple took her hand, something she she often did when she was feeling scared. "...You really think it was a murder, Marsh?"

Her innocent, childlike eyes stared down at Marshmallow, who looked up into them. She picked her words carefully.


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