2. The Kiss...

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This time I knew I was dreaming. There was absolutely no question about it. Things like this didn't happen to girls like me, in real life anyway.

Soft and gentle...The softest lips I'd ever felt suddenly touched mine. They were coated in a delicious, minty chapstick which made my lips tingle and sent shivers radiating through my entire body.  A rush of warmth ran down my spine and all the way into my toes. The velvety mouth continued to kiss mine, slowly and passionately. Warm breath caressed my lips and it smelt minty fresh and...

No, it didn't! It smelt of beer and cheesy nachos and strong cologne... 

Wait, the breath wasn't gently caressing me either, it was forcing its way into my mouth and causing my cheeks to puff out like a bloody puffer fish! I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move and all I could taste was nachos...

I opened my eyes and the blurry shape of something large hovered over me, mere millimeters from my face. I tried to talk, but something was attached to my mouth- blowing into it. Why was someone trying to inflate a balloon in my mouth? My nose felt funny, too, something was tightly clamped over it, squeezing it closed. 

"Aaaahhhh!" I swatted at the blurry thing with my hands and tried to push it off me in my confused state. 

"Hey!" The blurry thing spoke, "You don't have to hit me!" It said in a deep male voice. "remind me to never rescue another damsel in distress again." The voice sounded amused now. 

I tried to sit up and my head felt like it was spinning at a high speed, like those stupid fidget spinners that went round and round and round and...

"Whoa...take it easy." Two large hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up into a sitting position. I blinked, desperately trying to get the big, blurry thing into focus. "You hit yourself pretty hard there."

"I.. I.. who...nachos!" I was trying to make my brain connect to my tongue, but they felt like two separate things that weren't really communicating with each other properly. 

I heard a low, sexy chuckle. "You must have hit your head harder than I thought." 

I blinked my eyes; my eyelids and even my eyeballs felt heavy, as if someone had poured lead into them. 

"Slowly, slowly." The voice spoke again. 

I continued to blink and slowly, but surely, the blurry thing started coming into focus. An ear- yes, definitely the outline of an ear.  A chin, a large one...a blue eye, a muscular looking neck, and a flash of green and yellow- our college football colors. Another eye came into focus, followed by the nose and the lips and then... 


The player of all players. The hottest, most popular, most laid (probably), baddest bad boy of the entire college was sitting opposite me smiling. (With his ridiculously soft lips I might add) 

"Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty." 

"Huh? How long was I out?" I raised my fingers to my lips and the tips of them tingled. "What! You!" I stuck my finger out at him. "You... you, kissed me? Why did you... How dare you!"

Ethan burst out laughing, "You damsels these days are so ungrateful. I was gallantly trying to save you with life-giving mouth -to-mouth." 

"Wasn't I breathing?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know." 

"One usually ascertains whether or not the person is actually breathing, before going around kissing strangers." I said, wiping the side of my mouth. 

My Perfect Fairy Fail  #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now