Chapter Twenty

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Charli was still asleep when I woke up. I pulled my phone from the charger and checked the time before catching up on my social media timelines. I hoped to be greeted by a message or two from Harry, but I hadn't received any since last night. When it hit 9am, I pulled myself out of bed and stirred Charli, who after several annoyed grunts, finally sat up in bed and checked her own phone. She told me about the dream she had, something about running from vampires in a carpark filled with FBI vans, but I wasn't paying much attention. I had decided to check Harry's Instagram while she spoke, and I got excited to see he had shared two photos since yesterday morning. The first was of the coffees he'd bought for us yesterday before our walk, captioned 'Double Shot'. I noticed it had a whole bunch of comments on it from different accounts asking why he had two coffees, and who the second one was for. It was kinda cool to know that they were for us. The last photo he posted this morning about an hour ago. It was a photo of a front door he had captioned 'Home Away From Home', and the comments were full again, asking where he was. The front door looked familiar, but I knew it wasn't Harry's. Charli's sudden change of subject made me pay attention to her again.

"Mmm, can you smell that? It smells like bacon!"

I breathed in and she was right, the small of bacon was wafting into the room from the kitchen. I thought my Mum had started breakfast for us, and my stomach growled with hunger, but then it dropped when I realised Mum had to work early today. It was in that moment, that I recognised the door. It was my front door.

"Umm, yeah, it's definitely bacon. Charli, I'm just gonna duck to the bathroom, so get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs."

I left the room and closed the door behind me, making sure Charli didn't see me as I quickly hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen, which, as I suspected, was occupied by Harry, cracking some eggs into a frying pan. He was wearing a grey jumper over a white shirt, and a beanie was holding his hair back. He hadn't seen me, so I took him in a little longer. He was in black skinny jeans, and only socks; he must've left his boots at the door. I cleared my throat once he'd thrown away the egg shells, and he turned around with a grin on his face.

"Good morning, beautiful." Just as he spoke, the toaster popped and he turned to take the toast and plate it up on two plates on the bench.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" I asked, stood in place, still shocked to see him inside my house.

"Now now, is that anyway to say good morning to your boyfriend?" He held out his arms for a hug and tilted his head at me, attempting to persuade me into obliging. I did.

I walked over to Harry and hugged him tight around his waist. He hugged me back, and gave me a kiss on the forehead, before letting me go and returning to cooking the bacon.

"Your Mum let me in as she was leaving, lovely woman isn't she?"

"She's certainly taken a shining to you for some reason."

"As have you, it seems." He teased, and put his hands on my hips as he leaned me against the counter, holding me firmly as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to look up at him.

His eyes were so green. Looking into them made me weak at the knees, and I felt so calm knowing they were so similar to my father's. I noticed Harry switching his stare from my eyes to my lips, and I accepted him fully as he leaned in to kiss me. He was such a good kisser.

"Save some for me, yeah?"

Charli's voice startled me, and Harry just giggled as I quickly pulled away from the kiss, and pushed him back a little by his chest. Charli raised her eyebrows at me with a stupid grin on her face, and I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just introduced them.

"Charli, this is Harry. Harry, this is my best friend Charli."

Harry approached Charli and shook her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Charli, breakfast is almost ready if you would care to take a seat at the table."

"If it comes with a side of whatever that was, it'd be my honour." Charli joked, and made her way to the table to sit down.

As I joined her, I noticed Harry had set the table, and right in the middle of it sat a vase full of the most beautiful flowers. There was a card at the bottom of the vase, and I flipped it open to read it.

All the love, H.


Breakfast was incredible. The bacon was crispy, the eggs were perfect, and he even threw in some hash browns for us. We talked about Charli's trip, and the two of them talked about England for a while. She asked Harry whereabouts he was from, and said the closest she got was Manchester. She tried her best pommy accent on him, and he tried to teach her how to make it better, but if anything, it made it worse. It was nice to see them getting along so well. I know Charli was a little worried considering the short time I'd known Harry before dating him, but it definitely looks like they're on good terms already. We all cleared the table together, and talked about plans for the day.

"I've gotta love you and leave you I'm afraid," Charli said, "I've gotta go unpack all my shit back at my house."

"I still can't believe you stayed here before you went home."

"Eh, what's one more night away. Plus if I didn't, I wouldn't have eaten so well." She winked at Harry, and he rolled his wrist, pretending to bow, then offered her his help to bring her suitcases back downstairs. She accepted.

"I'll clean up down here, go pack." I offered, as the two of them took off upstairs and into my bedroom to pack up.

When they came back downstairs, they were still happily chatting. Harry loaded her bags into her car, while she hugged me goodbye. She leant into my ear and whispered.

"What a catch. Hang on to him."

She kissed my head and gave Harry a quick one-armed hug before getting into her car, and pulling away.

"Nice girl." Harry said as we walked back into the house, shutting the door behind us.

"Yeah, she can be pretty full on sometimes," I giggled, and ran my fingers through my hair, noticing it was pretty dirty. "Umm, I need to take a shower."

"Good," Harry said, walking towards the bathroom and taking off his shirt, "I do too."

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