Chapter 3

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Samantha's P.O.V

I arrived at the team 10 house,
Chance and Anthony helped me bring my stuff upstairs,i'm so not in the mood for anything becausd i was so tired i just wanna lay in bed all day and start my life tomorrow
"Hey guys i gotta get tessa and the others, they're so excited to see you, i'll be back" chance says
And then i just reply with a simple nod
It's not that i don't wanna see new people but i'm just so tired from the 6 hours flight

I smiled and thanked anthony for helping me with my stuff and then for some reason he just stared at me
And then he said "yeah anytime samantha" and then left my room
Okay that was kind of awkward but i just shrugged it off
"SIS! COME DOWNSTAIRS CMON" chance says while barging into my room and dragged me with him
I literally almost fell
"Ow chance stop i can walk by myself" i said
"Oh im so sorry i'm just so excited" he said still smiling like a little kid
I chuckled at his childish behaviour
I actually can't wait to see his wife though, i mean i never thought he would be married this fast but c'mon it's my sister in law who's not excited to finally meet their brother or sister in law right?

We arrived at the kitchen and everybody cheers at me, and i was not used to this loudness cause you know i just live with my mom , my aunt, one of my cousin and my dog while i was back in ohio
"Heyyyyy samanthaa! I'm tessa! It's so nice to finally meet you in person"She said excitedly
She sounds and looks sweet , she has brown eyes and brown hair and i guess that's why chance likes her cause i know he has a thing for brown eyed girls
And yes me and tessa actually texted a couple times but i just don't spent too much time with my phone so yeah
"It's nice to finally meet you too!" I said

"Hey i'm erika and you must be samantha" She greet me while hugging me "yeah hey erika" i said
I'm excited to see erika too cause i heard she's the mom of the house
"Hellooo there señorita" the twins both greet me and kissed my both hands
"Woah, hi guys" i said laughing
"Okaay martinez let go of her hand she's my sister"chance said
After that Kade,Nick,Tristan, and Alex greeted me too and i guess meeting new people can boost my mood

After we greeted each other, some people are actually busy working or making videos but tessa and erika is actually getting me occupied with them
We talked a lot and we share a lot of stuff
I guess we're bonding
"Chance actually proposed to me with a ring pop" tessa said laughing
"WHAT? He actually did that?" I said shocked
"oh my god that is so embarrassing, he's not a sutton anymore" i said joking and they both laughed
"It's cute though" tessa said smiling while staring at her actual ring now
"He was actually so nervous when he proposes he started to choke on himself" she said and we all laugh again
"How about you sam? Do you have a boyfriend?" Erika asks

I really don't want to talk about it but they looked like they're so interested in the story and i feel bad if i don't tell them
"Uh actually there was" i said
"Was? What happened now?" Tessa said
I took a deep breath and said
"Chance punch him one time and we never see each other again" i said
"Oh my god..." Erika said with her hand in her mouth
"He actually did that?" Tessa asked shocked
"Yeah he always did" i said while looking down
"That's why i always sneak out if im going out with my guy friends or my boyfriend" i said
"But why did he do that exactly?" Erika asks
"He was always so protective of me, because he was traumatized i guess" i said
"Traumatized of what?" Tessa said more curious
"Don't tell him i told you guys okay?"
They all nod and "he saw my dad slapped my mom and he doesn't want that to happen to me" i said now looking down

"Oh my god samantha we're sorry if we made you talk about this topic" erika says
I smiled and "No don't worry about it it's fine" i said
"Im so sorry samantha, you know i guess you should go rest tomorrow your going to your new college right?" Tessa asks
And i nod
"Okay then goodnight sam" they both says
"Night guys" i said
And then i go up to my room

My shower is actually broken so i have to go downstairs to the main bathroom if i wanna take a shower so i did
I opened the bathroom door and my eyes widened when i saw anthony is actually taking a shower
He literally jumped when he looked at me and i have no idea why i don't close the door immediately i just stood there in shocked looking at him
And when i finally realized what is happening i closed my eyes and i close the door while saying "i'm so sorry anthony" and ran upstairs
Oh my god that was the most awkward situation in my whole entire life, i'm so embarrassing

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