Chapter 3 King??

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(Kayana pov)

"Ahh, you are Shiona-san . Nice to meet you. Your player skills are over the top . I've heard your team went to Nationals 3 times not too long ago. " Coach said.

"Yeah. I did, Well my team did." I stated grinning. Oikawa and Iwaizumi walked in. They had their volleyball uniforms on.

"Oh it's Kawa-chan and Iwa-chan." I said.
The coach gave me a look. 'You know them?'

"They brought me here. An odd pair they are." I said chuckling.

"Hah yeah." the coach joined.

Coach then blew the whistle gaining everyone's attention.Alot of people.Alot of humans.Help me.

"Everyone line up!We have a special guest!" He ordered.

All the boys lined up in a line (duh)and intriduced themselves.

All the boys lined up in a line (duh)and intriduced themselves

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Also Oikawa and Iwaizumi.

They all bowed as I thanked them.

"Alright well I wanna help you individually so you can continue working and I will help you out from time to time."

Some were snickering because why? Oikawa was glued onto me . Clinging onto my arm like some leech.

"Kawa-chan you are captain right?" I asked sweat dropping.

"Yip." He replied

"Alright sooo.... Why are you so childish?"

"I amm noot I just wanna stay with yoouu." He whined.

"Umm... okay...." I replied akwardly not even bothering to ask any more questions . I petted his hair like a little child because at this point I gave up on life as the team sweatdropped.

'Lucky bastard.' The all thought.

"Okay I guess I will start then." I said

"Okay captain show me what yah got ." I said changing into a serious stoic expression rather than my soft one.

----Time skip brought to you by Oikawa's smexy body.---

"Thank you soo much for coming." The coach said.

"Your most welcome sir. I actually think I might attend here instead of home school. I must see my awesome senpai's ." I stated.

"Aww too sweeeeet." Oikawa purred.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever Kawa-chan."

"Kage-chan . Your setting skills are pretty top notch kid. You got some natural talent." I complimented ruffling his hair. He was a bit red from embarrassment.What an adorable child.

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