Chapter 18-"We should be artists."

Start from the beginning

"Yes, guess you're right." I smiled, she nodded and continued painting. Hollie wanted her son/daughter to be a huge Disney fan like her. So we have collected any and everything Winnie the Pooh theme. Because of this the colour theme is white and green, once we've painted the walls we're going let it dry and then put in the furniture and stuff. Hollie finished all she could do and I did the rest. Once I finished I walked to Hollie.

"Lily can you do me a favour?" She asked, I nodded.

"Can you go to the supermarket and get some food cause the boys will probably be like 'I need food' and they'll be none in the kitchen cause we ate it all." She laughed, I nodded and slid on a grey beanie, black converse and sunglasses-yes it's cold but I'm not getting seen in joggers and an oversized tee by the 5SOSfam. 

"OK, I'm going now! Phone me if you need anything!" I told her.

"OK!" She yelled back, I walked out and quickly checked for fans, nope. OK, I walked down the road and into Tesco's. I grabbed a trolley and began zooming around as I passed the magazines I saw two girl, 13 maybe 14, they were flicking through a magazine with the boys on the front.

"Luke's so cute." The brunette smiled.

"Ashton's cuter!" The blonde replied. I thought of going to them and asking for their twitters so I should get the boys to follow them but what if they hate me?

"I think they're all cute. I think Ashton and Hollie are a good couple." The brunette laughed.

"Yeah and Lily and Luke." The blonde laughed. OK, they seem nice.

"I wish I could go to there concert, have a nice time when you see 1D and 5SOS." The brunette smiled at the blonde.

"I wish you could come too." The blonde replied. I took my glasses off and walked over to them.

"Excuse me? I couldn't help but over hear you talking about 5SOS." I smiled, the brunette's face dropped and I smiled.

"Can I have your twitter names or anything else and I'll get the boys to follow you because you seem like a fan that deserves this." I smiled.

"Um...yeah sure, here." The brunette smiled and she wrote it on some paper, I nodded and took it from her.

"I'll make sure they follow you. Have a nice day." I smiled, I was about to walk away when the brunette hugged me.

"You're my inspiration." She smiled and rolled up her sleeves, the lines filled her wrist but no new ones were made, I covered my mouth and felt my eyes water.

"Hold on, OK? You're beautiful." I mumbled hugging her back.

"Thank you." She smiled. I quickly wrote something down.

Hold on, things get better, you are beautiful. Stay strong, I believe in you, you are loved-Lily Rivers xx

"Thank you." She smiled, we hugged before she pulled away and we went separate ways. I slid on my glasses before collecting some food. I was walking around the music and that's when I saw the boys. Their EP covered the shelves, I picked one up and read the back. They looked good, I'd actually not heard a proper version of their songs. I laughed and put it in the trolley in before I  walked away.

I headed to pay and that's when I saw him. Alec was sat at the check out. I gulped and waited in line, when it was my turn, I kept my head down and didn't look up.

"That's £54.75 please?" He asked, I pulled out the money before waiting for the change, he dropped the money into my palm and grabbed my wrist, my head flicked up and I knew, he knows it's me. I managed to get my hand out of his grip before rushing away. I quickly grabbed the bags and rushed home.

Let Me In. (Luke  Hemmings) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now