Chapter 1: "Leonore"

Começar do início

"Where's Travis?"

I asked, sipping my own tea before she set down her cup.

"Working. Preferable to me, seeing as he's trying to get Esme to learn the art of flirting before her first day. I swear, that man. I've been searching for a backpack that isn't the worst design ever for days, and he isn't budging away on it."

She complained, and Zane joined us on the couch for the gossip, chugging iced coffee and pulling his hair back into a ponytail.

"At least you guys don't need to worry about that. Leonore is an incredible kid. According to Naomi, she's the easiest to watch over."
"Garroth's kid?"
"Our niece, Zane."

I mumbled, shaking my head and smiling at them both.

"I love Naomi, best babysitter in the town. She knows every kid so well, and her red hair is just simply to die for!!"

Katelyn gushed, holding a pillow close to her. We all exchanged laughter, hearing the clutter upstairs. With his eyes rolled, my husband started walking up the stairs again to prevent further damage to Leonore's wall paint.

"So, Y/n, got any plans for the little one?"
"Ah, she's so young. I can't think of those things yet. Don't want to be that mom."

I mumbled, but she got what I was saying. She pulled out her phone, showing me photos of her cats, before reaching a photo of her adorable daughter in her volleyball uniform.

Her eyes were a bright green, hair a lighter and more purple blue then her mother's, but had the same fierce potential and fire about her. It was like looking at a mirror for Katelyn.

Beside Esme were the other members of the children's team. A timid boy with soft white hair and amber eyes hid behind the other, Lucinda's adoptive kid Cecil. The more or less enthusiastic other male with brunette hair and striking cerulean eyes was Hisoka, Ayaka's child. They along with 5 other members made up a borderline varsity volleyball team.

"Wow.. would Leonore be good for sports?"
"That's your decision Y/n. But before you make it, there's a lot of sports to look at. And I originally let Esme choose her own."

Katelyn went off on a tangent for a bit.

"But when she saw my old uniform her eyes started sparkling-"

I blanked, staring out the window as the sky turned grey.

With eleven days until her first day, I had a lot on my mind. What lunch should I pack, what food will she grow to like or hate? What art or music will she listen to or create? What kind of friends would she make? What kind of enemies?

She can't make enemies..

I think, but then I remember myself, how strange elementary was for me. How I changed so much from back then, I was barely the same person. My hair was stupid, my teeth still small and my dreams incredibly huge.

If you told 7 year old me that I was going to grow up to be the mother of a child so precious to me, I would have laughed out of my skull, tell you that you had a crazy dream.

But the sounds above my head of Zane shouting at her for throwing pink paint at him, and Esme hiding in the back to escape the splatter, I know it isn't a dream. It's so very real, and it's so very changing.

And I'm all the more worried, yet intrigued, at what was to come.


Admin Time!!!!

And thus, another chapter unfolds.

You will meet all the children eventually, and I will post a small biography for all of them in due time, but for now?

Here are all of the characters introduced

•Leonore Ro'Meave

Daughter of Zane and Y/n

Spunky and overconfident, but easily misguided and way too trusting for her own good. She's 7 years of age and filled with happiness and light. But cross her, and it's your funeral. She is especially interested in comedy and jokes, telling severe puns that often leave Zane speechless.

•Esme Valkrum

Daughter of Travis and Katelyn

A sports prodigy from a young age, this cutie has a tomboyish personality akin to her mother's, but it truly kind and never is openly mean to anyone. She defused situations with her smile. At 7 years of age, she's very mature and often overprotective of her friends. Captain of her volleyball team.

•Naomi Ro'Meave

Adoptive daughter of Laurance and Garroth

The designated babysitter, at age 13. Adopted at age 3 by Garroth, who wouldn't let her go. With strikingly beautiful auburn hair and huge evergreen eyes, she is a sweet individual who enjoys baking and writing stories for the children. Learning from her fathers, she isn't afraid to bash a door down, but will always talk you through a problem before doing that.

•Cecil Pikaro

Adopted son of Lucinda and Kim

A quiet and incredibly shy individual, at age 9, you can often find him hiding in the back of his dedicated body guard, Hisoka. His gifted magic often gets him in trouble, as Lucy found him abandoned in a witches marketplace. But he will protect anyone who needs his help. He is very unstable with truthfully upset, so making him cry will result in people backing away.

•Hisoka Clover

Son of Ayaka and Oliver

A calm and quiet individual who takes after his mother, but is a bit more sarcastic and unhelpful. His blue eyes often scare people away, but he is kind once you break through his shell. You can often find him defending Cecil and playing the violin. A bit stuck up, the 9 year old knows he's smarter than most of the students in his 3rd grade class. But his twin sister keeps him in line.


Those are the current bios, and many more will be added as chapters move forward.

Thanks for Reading :)

My Heart Belongs To You - A Zane x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora