Claire avoided her gaze the entire time, carefully stepping over the bodies. "C'mon, let's just keep going." You took a deep breath and jumped over the bodies, making sure to stay away from them from now on.
Leon can take care of those naked men, not me.

Loud banging interrupted your thoughts, having the three of you start sprinting. It was obvious that the Trenchy beast was following your path, you just had to keep running until it was the right chance to take him on

A large set of doors were up ahead, similar to the elevator ones. When they slid open, a wave of heat hit the three of you. "Christ, what's in there?!" You covered your face for a moment.

"He's behind us!" Claire alerted you, having you turn around to see the grey beast slowly approaching you, still holding the expressionless, deadly glare. "Go! Run!" Leon had you and Claire run inside first.

"It's so hot in here.." Claire complained, looking over to see the dark, large room with lots of black metal platforms to walk on. A bright, orange light was seen down below, but you couldn't tell what it was just yet, Only knowing it's where the heat source was from. The footsteps behind told you that Trenchy was behind, getting closer while the three of you kept running.

"Wait! Down there!" Leon stopped, quickly looking over the rails. You looked over, your hands holding onto the warm metal rails to see what Leon saw. All the orange light was coming from the lava down below, bubbling and spitting, the heat coming off in visible waves. "What is this Leon??"

"It's a blast furnace, if we can just push him over-"

"We and end this and kill him! We have to get there now!" Claire continued to run, having you two follow. You all stopped, splitting up to fight the Trench coat beast. "Alright. Come on now, Trenchy!!" Leon shouted, calling for its attention while Claire began to fire at its back with her shotgun. You, still hanging onto Claire's machine gun,  aimed at the head the whole time, staying out of its sight while it turned its eye to see the victim responsible. It took notice of Claire and approached towards her, its large fist balling up and hitting her every chance he had, luckily, she kept dodging by a hair's length. His next hit, unfortunately, she wasn't so lucky. He rammed his fist to her left side, causing her shotgun to fall out of her hands and her body to knock against the rails, almost falling over.

"Claire!" Leon and you ran towards the beast, grabbing his attention before he had a chance to hit Claire again. He tried to punch you twice, but each time you had dodged, barely. What you didn't realize was how he kept backing you up to the railings, each punch having you miss until your hips came in contact with the metal.

The beast's next move had him ball his fists together and lift them over his head. You were prepared to dodge, but quickly realized he wasn't aiming at you. He was aiming for the railing.

His fist came in contact with the bars, bending them significantly and rattling the platform you all stood on. The rails broke immediately with a snap, splitting in two, sending you backwards with a cry. Neither Leon or Claire had a chance to grab you before you fell, falling past a platform level or two before landing on your back with a loud bang. Pain surged through you, making you emit a loud groan.

The platform they stood on gave in, snapping by the bolts it was secured with, sending them falling as well. They landed near you with a yelp, groaning in the same pain.

"Are you alright?" Leon slowly rose from the ground with a grunt. "Barely.." Claire replied, groaning while she got on her feet.

You managed to stand, your hands grabbing the nearest rail. The metal was hot, making you wince back fast. "Damn, That's hot!" You slowly took a few steps forward, watching the other two look up above. "Where did it go?" Claire asked, having you realize that the Trenchy didn't fall with you. "Did he fall in the lava?"

In Angel's Clothing-Resident Evil 2Where stories live. Discover now