thats odd

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Maddie pov

When jack finaly arived home from the fudge store i knew he had spent well over what i gave him....oh well. I get onto him about that latter right now theres a mystery to solve.

"Jack honey!!! Can you come down to the lab for a moment?!" I yelled up the stairs. Even if i had a mystery i still wanted to work on the boots, so i did while i waited for jack.

"Here i come madds!" He replyed as his heavy foot steps sounded down the stairs.

Once he enterd the lab he looked upon me expectantly. I simply jabed a thumb over my sholder in the direction of the letter.

"Whats that maddie?" One eyebrow raised as he looked at me quizickly awaiting a better explination.

"When i came down to work on the fenton boots it was taped to the portal. I have not moved or realy inspeacted it yet. I was waiting for you, but sonve youre here now i supose we can open it." I excitedly headed twords the envelope hanging on the portal frame.

"Can i open it madds?!" Asked my husband over joiusly.

"Sure honey." I said calmly not realy caring who opens it as long as someone dose.

Jack be it strange for him to do so opend the envelope carfule not to damage the contents. He stoped for a moment when he had it open enugh to see what was inside. His eyes widend as he pulled out a photo i had never seen before.... of danny.

It was strange he was standing infront of the portal holding his fenton suit, but the portal wasnt on. This must have been after we faild to turn the portale on the firat time, but then who took the photo?

"Jack dear? Has danny ever told you about this?" I asked but one look at my husband would have told me he was just as shocked as I

"I thoughg mabey you would know?" He looked at me like he needed me to know what this was all about, why someone had given us this photo, and what where the goals.

Still in a state of shock niether me nor jack noticed when danny enterd the lab.

"Mom dad, what are you doing over here by the portal?" He asked inocently. If i had botherd to look at him though i would have seen the smirk verey prevelent on his face.

"Danny... sweat heart....when was this photo taken?" I quiried my son hopeing he would give me the truth and not one of his strange lies. He tried to tell us that he got a 3rd degree burn from running imto a lamp post once.

"Oh! That was when i showed sam and tuck the portal. I remember sam took that pboto, but i thought she had the only coppy?" He seemed almost as confused as his father and i.


See you soon!!

-falling angel

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