The wand choose me

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Ollivanders seemed like an old shop with old brick and dusty old windows. My mum told me she was going to go somewhere and come back to pick me up later. 

As I went inside I saw a young man around his twenties. Hmm that's weird.. My mum told me Mr. Ollivander was old. 

"Hello are you Garrick Ollivander?" I asked walking in the door that made a jingle as I passed through 

"Garrick? No im his son. My dads too old to run the shop so mum convinced him to run it down to me. Can I help you?" he said he seemed like a guy that was always multi tasking and a bit quick on his feet.

 "Yes, I actually came in to buy a wand" I said timidly. 

"A wand? You a first year?" "yes." "Well in that case come over here!" I hesitated a bit.

"I don't bite don't worry! Ok now stay right there." he took out his wand flicked it and then measuring tapes and other knick-knacks came out flying they started doing all sorts of measurements and a pen and pad was writing notes on its own with a quill. I gaped in awe at the scene it was bloody fantastic! 

Meanwhile I noticed how it sort of looked like a very messy library but instead had boxes in place of books. "You a muggle born?" he suddenly asked "normally muggle borns are impressed by magic so I just wondered." "No, one of my parents is a wizard, they just dint tell me until now." he nodded at me and immediately went back to searching in the messy shelf's full of boxes.

 As all the knick-knacks disposed and the pad and quill settled on to the front desk in the middle of the store, Mr.Ollivander came back and opened a box handing it to me "How about this one, Sycamore wood with a Dragon heartstring core 12"

 I grabbed the wand it felt dull and heavy in my hand "Go on swish it!" he encouraged.

I look doubtfully at him and then swished the wand. Immediately the lamp that was in the direction I pointed at exploded in a million pieces! Me thinking I did something wrong put it immediately on the table nearest to me. 

"no that's not it." he went to search I bit more. I could hear some crashes of boxes falling. When he came back he handed another wand to me "Aspen wood with a Unicorn hair core 3/4" 

I once again swished it and as I did a boom sounded around the room I dropped the wand to cover my ears. After the boom stopped Olivander said "Oh dear, nope definitely not that one. Don't worry I'll find a solution to this little problem!" After a few minutes of more rummaging he finally came back. "Ok how about this one?"

he opened the box "Cherry wood with a Dragon heartstring core 11 ¾ last belonged to Porpentina Goldstein wife of Newt Scamander one of the authors I believe of one of your books." he said examining the wand. 

"Fantastic beasts and how to find them" I answered.

 "This wand has a very interesting story, to long to tell you now, but what is curious is how the wand ended in this store since Mrs. Scamander was American and not British." 

"well then here you go." 

when the wand was in my hand I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline go up and down my body leaving a tingling sensation that still lingered. 

"You see Miss Smith as my dear father says, "The wand chooses the wizard, although it's never clear why"." After I said my goodbyes to Mr. Olivander and paid for the wand I left the store in search of my mother.

 When I saw her she had a box and told me not to open it till we got home.

 Once home I was eager to open the box I immediately opened it and found inside a white and black fuzzy kitten with a cute pink dewdrop button nose, it was a farewell gift giving I was leaving in a few days.

 When I went upstairs with my new pet I noticed I hadn't checked my phone and it was 8:00pm! I had so much notification and friends where asking if I was dead. I was going to post this.

But stopped myself in time before clicking the tweet button remembering what my mum had told me

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But stopped myself in time before clicking the tweet button remembering what my mum had told me. I felt the feeling that I should at least post a good night so I did.

After it seemed to give me some deliverance of my guilt of not having posted anything all day.

I changed into my pj's and curled up with my new kitten in my bed pondering on what to call her and ending to falling into a deep, deep sleep. 

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