The Letter & The Lie

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I woke up to the sound of the tea kettle screaming its sound like a morning bird.

 The remembrance that summer break was finally here rushed over me. Absolute relief and joy spread through my body tingling senses that made me feel bubbly and joyful inside.

I looked out to find an unusual bright London summer day. The smell of my mum making  breakfast.

The smell of Bacon was overpowering and willed me to get up from my comfy warm perfect bed into my fuzzy slippers and robe, and all the way down the stairs to the kitchen.

 I sat down into my kitchen's perfectly clean modern chrome table. In a perfectly clean white kitchen with perfectly clean marble counters. 

Mum set out a plate in front of me. Perfect fried eggs, sizzling greasy bacon, mouth watering sausages, and tea. 

 I ate my food fast and in a hurry, I ran upstairs into my room and slipped into my bathroom for a quick hot shower. 

I got dressed and put on one of my many band t-shirts, comfortable jeans, and bright red converse.

I grab my phone and checked on snapchat, you see social media was my life even though I was only 11 and then not allowed to have snapchat but honestly my parents dint care as long as I stayed safe and dint post anything bad. I had no new notifications but one from my best friend but it was only a picture to keep our 150 day streak.

 After I checked all of my other social media accounts I went outside to get the post. When I went outside I saw oddly some owls perched on the neighboring cars observantly looking at me, I found it quite odd but ignored it.

 I shuffled through the envelopes of different sizes and colors, but then I came across an unusual one it was a cream colored envelope with a red stamp with what looked like a strange coat of arms. It read

 "To Miss Helena Smith, North Commonwealth Ave, London, England." 

I went on ahead inside, put the rest of the cards on the kitchen table and focused on the one addressed to me.

 I ripped away the red stamp and slowly took the letter out with a shaky hand (I never receive letters from my friends, they normally sent everything by imessage.) The letter said the following

"Dear Ms Smith, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September.

We await your owl by no later that 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"Hogwarts? Witchcraft? WIZARDRY?!? Was this a joke? 

My mum then appeared suddenly at my back and asked what the letter enclosed, but I just gaped at it not saying a word. 

 Mum took the card from my hand to read it. After reading she made a high pitch screech! 

It woke me from my trance I turned to glance at her, and what I though was a screech of fear well I was wrong, the look on my mum's face was pure joy. I was more confused by the second. 

Then my mum started babbling at me things that were like 

"I thought you were going to be a squib! the letter usually comes the first day of summer, I was worried you'd turn out like your older sister. I'm so happy for you! Another witch in the house!" 

I was so confused now, very! Then she screamed my dads name "ARTHUR!"

 She dint have to call him he was already coming downstairs. "what happened I heard screaming?!" "Your youngest daughter just got picked to go to Hogwarts!!" 

the look on my dad's face was now the same as mum's, they started jumping and squealing like two teenagers. I just stood planted there in the middle of it all confused. 

When my parents finally finished their episode they looked back at me. I guess my face was weird because then from joy their face turned into a worried state. "Uh...." "we have to explain something to you Helena." 

"Well go on I'm waiting" I answered.

 "Well you see""um, Well" , they said stammering                                                                                                                                                                  

They looked at each other and had what seemed as a mental conversation, finally they turned back to me: 

"To put it simple Helena, your father mother is a witch." my dad said

 "Is this a joke?" I asked "No, no joke!" they said shaking their heads

"We wanted you and your sister to have normal childhood, and if one of you got into Hogwarts we would tell you."

I was pretty upset and we argued until I finally decided I would go, and they also explained to me everything about the wizarding world. 

The thing that affected me the most was that I wouldn't be able to post anything of where I was, just that I was at boarding school and I could take pictures and post as long as they didn't reveal anything about the Wizarding World. 

I finally agreed to that consent after many (many!) arguments mainly because I am considered very conservative and i if i find my point valid i am found to be very stubborn.

That night after many arguments with my parents on the situation i laid in bed pondering on what had just happened. I finally fell deeply asleep with exhaustion.

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