breaking the rules

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Later that night...

Millie's pov.

I layed in bed, repeating the words I had yelled at my father. Wondering how all of a sudden I got the courage to finally stand up to him. I was really pissed at him. I started to think of finn, and what he was thinking since I wasn't replying. Tears began to form in my two brown eyes...blurring my vision. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear, or even better die. I hate my life. The only thing keeping me alive is Finn, my fans, and siblings. I really miss my mum. She left my dad when I was five. After she left my dad's been a real jerk.
    All of a sudden I heard a loud knock on my window. Then another...another. I got up real fast and saw that I had left tear stains on my pink floral cover. As I passed the mirror on the way to see who was at the window I noticed that my eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. I pulled back the curtains to find Finn on the roof. I was in shock. I hurried and ran to lock my door, and came back to open the window.

  "Finn what are you doing!?" Millie whispered softly.

   "I was making sure, you were okay...since you weren't answering my text" Finn whispered back.

   "I'm fine, my dad took my phone."

    " don't look fine...have you been crying?"



   Finn's pov.

  I just sat there holding Millie in my arms, while she cried. I was thinking of what to say, as Millie removed her head from my shoulder to look at me. I stared back into her beautiful hazel eyes. When all of a sudden she kissed me. I grabbed her waist, pushing her body closer to mine. She grabbed my head, twirling her fingers in my hair. I moved my head back to get a gasp of air, and kissed her again more passionately on the lips. This continued for like a minute. When finally Millie removed her lips from my face and layed her head on my lap.

Millie's pov.

After me and Finn got done making out. I layed my head on his lap, because I was tired and needed to breath..also because I wanted to his face. I started to think about what just happened, and how we would never be able to see eachother...unless we keep sneaking around. I began to cry again.

Finn's pov.

I could tell she was thinking about something, then all of a sudden she began to cry. I wiped the tears that began to roll down her pink flushed cheeks. I picked her head up gently making sure not to hurt her. I layed her head on the pillow, and layed next to her. I started to think about how sqrewed up my life was , and how me and Millie had to keep sneaking around if we wanted to see each other. I felt tears start to spring from my eyes, and I knew I shouldn't cry in front of Millie, but I couldn't help it. Next thing you know we were both crying while holding eachother in are arms.

I know this chapter is bad, and depressing sorry. Also I've been really inactive...sorry about that too. I'll try to update more often. Also there might be spelling or grammer errors ...I'm too lazy to fix it...sooooo 👌

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