rose bush

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One day on the set of Stranger Things, Finn (Mike) notices a rose bush behind his crush, Millie. He rushes over toward the bush, and sighs, trying to pick the most beautiful one. He finally decides to pick the one on the right of the bush because it had the best tint of pink, which reminded him of Millie because she looks very good in pink. When he turned around he noticed that Millie was standing right behind him. She was wearing the most lovely pink dress, he thought.

"What are you doing" said Millie?

"I saw this rose, and it reminded me of you" Finn said, quietly. Millie's face suddenly became red.

"Well...what...umm..I mean is matches your....umm." Millie suddenly cut him off, and started walking closer toward him. Finn started to become anxious, and his palms started to sweat.

"I know what you mean Finn" she whispered. She grabbed his sweaty hand, and got closer towards him. "I feel the same way." Finn anxiously cut her off.

"I LOVE YOU MILLIE" he blurted out.

Millie looked around her, seeing if anybody was watching or listening, when she realized nobody was around, she got closer to Finn until there body's were touching, and they could feel each other's breaths. Finn suddenly had a rush of chills go down his boney back. He moved his hand close to Millie's flushed cheek, and stroked it gently. He moved his face close to hers, thinking that he was the most luckiest person in the world. He had always dreamed of this moment, and it was finally happening, he wanted it to last forever. As he moved his head closer to Millie's, they were suddenly interrupted by a loud voice. Millie, and Finn moved away from each other very quickly, and saw that Mr. Brown had been watching.

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" Mr. Brown shouted.

"DAD LEAVE HIM ALONE" Millie yelled back.

"It's ok Millster ... I Umm... gotta ....get going anyways" Finn said quickly.

Millie's eyes started to water as Finn got on his banged up bike.

"I HATE YOU DAD" Millie screamed.

"You know I don't allow you to have boyfriends, and especially I don't allow KISSING... unless it's for acting"

Millie ran past her dad with tears in her eyes. She ran until she saw the door that said Millie Bobby Brown. Millie opened the door with a lot of force, and slammed it shut. She looked in the mirror noticing that her makeup was smeared, and her eyes were red. Then she sat in her favorite pink chair, and got out her phone to text her mom to get her, even though that's why her dad was there. When finally her mom understood why she wanted her to get Millie, she heard a quiet knock on the door. Ignoring it, she went back to crying, then she heard another knock...another...then another.

"GO AWAY" she yelled

"Millster it's me" said Finn. She was suddenly shocked, and thrilled at the same time. She awkwardly opened the door, and saw Finn standing there very shyly.

"What are you doing hear... I thought you left"

"I never left... I hid behind the set building, until I saw your dads car leave, and I came back to see if you were ok."

"Oh, well... umm.. I'm sor..r...r..r..y about my dad. He can be kind of strict sometimes..."

"Millie I'm fine. I came to see if you were ok. Are you ok Millster?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Finn of course could tell that she was lying.

"Millie, I love you."

Millie suddenly got very anxious as Finn started to walk towards her. He put his hand on her cheek, like she could break if he touched her any harder. She still remembered the feeling of his soft damp hands rubbing her cheek. He got closer, and closer until they were touching, like before. Millie rubbed her hand in his soft brown curls.

"Is this ok" whispered Finn into Millie's ear.

"Yeah, and Finn I love you too" whispered Millie into Finn's small ears.

Finn tilted his head at the right angle, and moved his head until their lips were touching.

Roses // Fillie Where stories live. Discover now