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For the past three weeks we have trained non stop. I am proud at how far we have come.

"They are here" I heard someone yell. Women and children went into hidding as all of my warriors lined up. 

We were right infront of them, the blood pack.

I stood short against all the males around me, the first female to be in a war. I watched as all the males puffed out their chest and smirked, they thought of me as an easy target, weak, pathetic. what they didn't know is that I had trained my whole life. instead of cooking, cleaning, preparing for my mate, I trained as hard as the males. I wasn't as strong as most but because of my short, tiny figure, I was quick. and I could run like hell.

I would end all of them, and my pack would lavish in the fact we took down one of the strongest packs.

that was untill he walked out. we were matching, how ironic.

black pants, his were loose and mine were tight. black shirts and brown combat boots.

my mate smiled at me and then laughed.

"Oh my what have we gotten here, I think someone got confused. This is a war not a kitchen babygirl, go make me a sandwhich because I know I'll be hungry once I kill your pack" and then all hell broke loose.

There were wolves dying and there was nothing I could do.

"If you just submit now I'll end this" I heard him whisper behind me. I elbowed him in his ribs but before I got another hit in he grabbed my throat and pinned me to the ground.

Everything stopped, if he kills me or I submit the war is over.

"I would rather die" I whispered.

"If you don't submit I'll kill everyone in your pack, then I'll take you home and I won't speak of things I'll do but just know your throat will hurt from screaming my name so much." he said in my ear causing a shiver to run down my spine.

We were equal in size his out numbering ours maybe by a few. So I knew that a lot of lives would be lost.

I looked to my warriors as they nodded, giving me permission to give up, knowing their fate either way.

"I'll make you a deal" he just rolled his eyes at me. "I'll submit but everyone in my pack will transfer to yours and will not be harmed. They will be treated as your own" I said authoruty in my voice. I watched as hope filled their eyes.

"Anything for my luna" he said kissing my neck, nudging my head to the side. I let it flop, giving him my submission.

He let me stand up as he gathered everyone. " Blood pack meet your new luna and our new members!" He roared out causing claps to burst out.

"We will have a celebration in two days I expect this place to be in the best condition" he told us. Everyone walked away going to clean up and hope to prepare for the party.

"In two days I'll anounce you as my mate, and I'm taking you home. You will be ready" he said as he walked away.

I groaned as I flopped on my bed. The first war I was in and I failed everyone.

Why did my dad ever let me become the leader, I was weak. I let fear controll me.

" I would have done the same thing" I heard my dad say.

I just laughed shaking my head. "I'm serious, you did great. You can't win every war Ameila I am proud of you. You put the saftey of your pack before your pride, something most alphas don't do"

I nodded giving him a hug. " thank you dad but I should go talk to my men" he nodded in agreement.

"I am sorry that we lost tonight, but I did what any good leader would do. I put the saftey of the pack before my pride. I would have won that battle if I knew we could. Yet I know that we had no chance, and we didn't need to loose anymore lives then we already have. So you can doubt me all you want but I did what I thought was best" I told my pack.

They all started clapping then they bowed their head in respect.

" we all talked and we agreed that you did the best thing for this pack and we all appreciate it" one of the warriors said as everyone nodded. My heart swelled at my pack.

"Thank you Luna Ameila!" Everyone screemed as I smiled in pure happiness.

"Awe that was sweet, now can we talk?" I turn to see him.

"I rather not"

"It was a rhetorical question" I groaned as we walked away. I didn't want to be close to him, I didn't want a mate. I wanted to be a warrior not a luna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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