14 - Rainbow Bracelets and Icing

Start from the beginning

“Pathina’s an interesting name, what’s the story behind that?”

Pathina took the opportunity to sit down in the chair opposite and slid the tray infront of her, “It’s Greek,” she explained, “My parents are both Hippies so they’ve always had an interesting touch when it came to life and  that’s why they gave me such an… unusual name. Well, unusual for anyone not living in Greece,” Pathina looked down at her fingers as she talked, suddenly quite nervous. She wasn’t normally when talking to girls, maybe it was because she didn’t know if what she thought was true even though she desparatly wanted it to be.

“Hippies? Nice,” Sam laughed, curling her fingers around the top edge of the textbook absentmindedly.

“Mmm, they’re… interesting parents,” Pathina laughed too, “But they’re cool about me being different and…” she looked at Sam’s rainbow bracelet.

Sam followed her gaze and ran her fingers over the bracelet and smiled, understanding exactly what she meant.

“I know you probably won’t want me to ask but… are you ok?” Pathina asked looking up, “It’s just you came in here looking a little angry and… I don’t want to think you’re not ok.”

Sam just sighed but didn’t show any signs of being offended.

“Home?” Pathina said quietly.

“Yeah,” Sam admitted in a whisper, her eyes momentarily looking as if her mind was somewhere far away. Then they glazed back to normal and she smiled.

Pathina decided that it wouldn’t be right for her t ask about the situation and Sam probably wouldn’t tell her. But she ask if she was ok at home before she left, she didn’t want Sam to be living somewhere where she might be hurt.

“That’s a cool bracelet, I never noticed you with it before,” she said instead, gesturing to the rainbow fabric.

Sam nodded and made a ‘mmm’ noise before answering, “That’s because I just got it, only worn it a couple of times.”

“I have one too, well not a bracelet but I have a bunch of rainbow pins and wrist bands and stuff at home.”

Sam looked a little sad again, “I don’t where this at home, I can’t,” she confided quietly, closing her textbook, signalling for Pathina to stay and talk.

Pathina understood the meaning behind Sam’s words, “I take that to mean you ‘are’ and they don’t know?” she asked just to make sure.

“Yeah, I am and they don’t know. And won’t ever,” she replied firmly.

“Why’s that?” Pathina asked gently.

“Because they already hate me enough,” a wicked grin spread across Sam’s face.

Pathina laughed at Sam’s comical expression, “Why?” she asked still chuckling.

Sam just shook her head still smiling.

Before silence could slow their conversation Pathina decided to take the plunge and ask Sam out. What was the worst that could happen? “You’re not with anyone at the moment are you?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

Sam stopped smiling and cautiously bit her lip, “No.”

“Good, because I’d really like to get to know you, Sam. I’ll make sure you get my number before you leave,” Pathina grinned, “How does that sound?”

“Great, I look forward to receiving it!” Sam replied enthusiastically.

Pathina just sat and smiled for a moment before concluding, “I believe you were trying to study before I came over and took your attention so I’m going to leave now so that you may return to your learning,” she stood up and smiled, hoisting up the silver tray like a flag up a ship’s mast.

“Wait! I study all the time so I don’t need to… you can stay.”

Pathina leaned forward slightly, “I’d love to stay but I have to go back to work before someone notices I’m slacking,” she gave an apologetic smile and then turned and walked away.

Sam watched her leave and thought to herself about how Pathina seemed to be important, like she was meant to stay with her. Maybe it was just because she so desperately wanted to not be alone that she was ready to convince herself that anyone was important.

Pathina went about her work as normal but her head was crammed full of miniature Pathina’s dancing round victoriously. Occasionaly she would look over at Sam’s table and their eyes would meet and they’d share a little smile. Pathina spent the rest of the time that Sam was there trying to think of inventive ways to give Sam her phone number.

It came to her when she was behind the counter, looking at the refrigerated shelves of cakes and sweets.

“Well you’re lemonade is finished so I think that you might be leaving soon so here is your bill. Just one item. And this is free of charge,” from behind her back Pathina pulled out a plate with a heart shaped ginger biscuit sitting in the middle with her name and number iced on by hand. She set the plate down and gave Sam a quick nod.

“Enjoy,” she said before walking away leaving Sam staring happily after her.

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