(FLUFF X READER) Christmas

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You were even more excited for Christmas this year since Suga had been away quite a lot on tour and promotions, so spending the holiday season with him was even more blissful than you could have imagined. He had been taking you nice places and planning days out since you hadn't been able to spend a lot of time together recently, even though you insisted it was fine. So, the nearer it got to the 25th, you were planning to spend Christmas inside your cosy apartment, wanting him to actually rest and enjoy the day together.

Though, it seemed as though Yoongi had other plans already, saying that on Christmas morning he had to go to the dorm to take some selcas for the fans, and then he could spend some time with you. You insisted that it was fine and you could even go with him, but it seemed as if he really didn't want you to go, begging that you just stay home and he'll literally be 5 minutes, not wanting you to get a cold by going outside. So, even though you thought he was being ridiculously overprotective, you agreed.

He seemed almost relieved arriving home on Christmas Eve, flopping down onto the sofa and cuddling into one of the pillows. "That's the last practise now right? For what, two weeks?" Yoongi was happy, of course he was, a nice holiday break with the best girlfriend ever, however he did like hanging out with the guys, they were like brothers to him. "Yep, I'm all yours baby" You went to cuddle him, he looked like a little squishy bear, helpless as he held his hands out, dying for you to just hold him.

"It'd be alright though if the guys came over some time, right?" Most of them were going home for the holidays, visiting family and friends - though at some point or another there'd still be at least one member back at the dorm. "Of course, I love them! It'd be fun if they all came over" "Yeh but, you love me the most right?" He pouted, making you cup his cheeks. "You're adorable.." You were interrupted by his stomach rumbling, making you both laugh, "And hungry" He finished, stretching before following you to go and get something to eat.

You didn't really do much that evening, just hanging up both of your stockings, having already filled each other's. You decided to then just chill, Yoongi already crashing on the bed, an arm open for you to cuddle into. "Come on, you'll need energy for tomorrow" He said without realising it, "We're only lazing around tomorrow" You laughed, looking suspiciously at him, "Yeah well even that takes effort" He smirked, closing his eyes, body slinking further down into the covers, "Yeah for you, you're the laziest guy going!" He simply hummed, sleep already taking over his tired body.

You awoke the next morning and Yoongi had already gone, so you slowly made your way to the kitchen, making some hot chocolate to get into the spirit, you glanced at your presents under the tree, but decided to wait for him, he said that he wouldn't be long anyway. You were just pulling a thick jumper over your head when you hear a key turn in the door, Yoongi's head poking through it to see if you were there. "Babe?" "Here!" You called, almost running down the hallway. "There's a package for you out here, must be a late delivery.." He said, a slight grin tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"But I didn't order anythi-" You were cut off by your own breath being caught as you pushed the door open to see Yoongi standing there, a tiny puppy next to him on a lead. "Merry Christmas baby... I hope you like her" You were already crouching down to pick up said puppy; she was a cute, a little corgi puppy, mostly white with highlights of blonde fur dotted around her. Yoongi watched with a gummy smile as the dog licked you, seeing how happy he had made you made him feel ten times as happy. "I've had her at the dorm for the last week or so, oh and you'll have to get used to Hobi coming around more, he nearly cried when I took her away".

You laughed, pulling Yoongi into a hug, "Thank you... You didn't have to get me a dog" "Well.. I've wanted one for a while anyway and I think she'd be useful, you know... there for you when I'm not here" You smiled, kissing him, making the dog bark a high pitched sound, causing the two of you to laugh at her jealously. "Come on, want to walk her around the park?" You nodded, grabbing your coat and slipping on some shoes.

You walked hand in hand, Yoongi holding her lead in the other hand, "We don't even have a name yet!" You suddenly remembered. "Well, what would she suit?" He asked, watching as she rolled about in the fluffy snow, biting at the strange white substance, all new to her. "She's quite like you, you know" You giggled, noticing how curious yet whiny she was when something upset her, like when you guys kissed earlier or the fact that her fur was now wet from the snow.

"How about Minnie then?" You nodded, picking her up as she began clawing at your legs. "Isn't it a shame how she gets my last name before you do?" You almost choked on thin air, as Yoongi simply smirked, winking at you before taking your hand again to walk home. Just then, you received a text from Jhope: "Y/N are you coming for Christmas dinner? Jin is cooking and I need to see Hobi Jr. again! :) :O" You laughed showing Yoongi the message, "Since when was she Hobi Jr. ?" "I told you, he's way too attached" He laughed.

"Come on then, how about some of Jin's Christmas Dinner?" "Okay.. Oh! But you haven't opened your presents from me yet! Should we go home first?" You asked, feeling guiltyfor all this attention on you and your gift. Yoongi shrugged, bringing your hand to his lips, "Babe, you are my present".

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