Chapter 2

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Asuna's POV

It didn't take long for the rumors to find their way over to me. In fact, it didn't take long for them to be the 'hot topic' of the internet! There were articles left and right about it, with annoyingly gaudy and in-your-face titles- "MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN BREAKS UP?!" "BLACK SWORDSMAN CHEATING ON FLASH??" "BLACK SWORDSMAN KISSES SYLPH GIRL!!!"

"What the hell?" I exclaimed in disgust, squinting at my screen. "What is this? I know that he'd never cheat on me... right?" But... What if they were true? What if he didn't actually love me?

What if he was just pretending all this time to care about me?

What if I didn't mean a thing to anyone at all?

I made the mistake of clicking on one of the articles out of pure curiosity but regretted it immediately. The front cover had a huge picture of... Leafa kissing Kirito?! I stared in disbelief for a few seconds, hardly believing my eyes. I smacked the power button on my computer, breathing heavily. The rumors were true. But... what?! Why Leafa? His cousin?!

I mean, that was just wrong. But if he would cheat on me with his cousin... He'd take any other girl over me.

Because I don't matter.

Tears formed in my eyes and fell down my face as I stared at my floor, my fingers numb. My mind was a mess. I couldn't think straight.

I felt detached from my body, locked outside of myself. Was this real? Was I dreaming?

No one could tell, not even myself.

Then, my ringtone began to play, and I checked the screen of my phone. It was Lisbeth. My finger hovered over the accept button.

But... What if she didn't care about me either?

What if I was the laughingstock of the group? What if whenever I wasn't around, they all made fun of me?

My hand began to shake.

What if she just called to make fun of me?

What if I was never her friend in the first place?

I couldn't press it. It would only hurt me more.

I turned off my phone completely. I couldn't stand the sight of her smiling profile picture anymore.

Smiling at me...? What a lie.

Because they probably don't like me anyway.

Everything is a lie. Surrounded by lies.

Liar, liar, liar.

Serves me right, I guess.


Lisbeth's POV

Argh, pick up, dammit!

I hung up for the fifth time and was about to call a sixth, when I decided to visit her in person instead.

I ran to my bicycle, hopped on, and sped off. I couldn't waste one second. Asuna, my best friend, was being gossiped about by all these people who didn't even know her. The internet is cruel. People will lie, spread rumors, and gossip because no one knows their true identity. They hide under the cloak of anonymity, suffocating their dignity under the impenetrable cloth.

They'll all grab onto the next tasty rumor, gobbling it up like chocolate, not even caring if it's true or not.

That's just the way of society.

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