𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆 // An Intuition

Start from the beginning

"Look, Naru." Itachi stated, looking pointedly at a group of Sakura trees nearby. Naruto followed his gaze, and his eyes landed on a beautiful group of trees, but the tree closest to him caught his attention. There were orange ribbons tied on every branch, and thy swayed in the light breeze. As he looked closer, he saw two initials were carved into the tree. 'N.U + I.U'

"Awwww ! 'Tachi" Naruto squealed, burrowing his head into Itachi's neck.

"Do you like it ?" Itachi smiled at the beaming young boy on his lap.

"It's amazing ! But how did you know ?" Naruto stated at the tree as if in a trance.

"I took a wild guess." The Uchiha said. His hand found a comfortable position on Naruto's waist.

"I thought Uchihas knew everything ?" Naruto teased.

"You must have thought wrong then." Itachi murmured, rubbing his nose against Naru's.


"So what game next ?"

"Tag ! You're it !"


Dark splotches began to apppear on the ground after five rounds of Tag, two games of Hide-and-Seek, and six of I Spy. They were now taking a break from their childishnees and walking around the village.

"Itachi... It's raining." Naruto whined, tugging on Itachi'arm. He looked up at the grey clouds above him and groaned. The rain was not of his favourite things.

"I know, Naru." Itachi answered. He quickly sought out a store and entered, dragging the blon along with him.

"What are we buying ?" Naruto asked impatiently. The rain had put him in a foul mood. Itachi just pulled him towards the back of the store where brightly coloured umbrellas in severals shapes ans sizes adorned the walls.

"An umbrella. Pick whichever you want." Itachi said. He gently pushed the small boy forward and watched him examine each umbrelle carefully. He would pick up each one, consider their weight, the price, and how large they were.

"Hey, 'Tachi, what's your favourite color ?"

"Blue... Why ?" Itachi answered. Naruto only shook his head, disregarding Itachi's quetion, and went back to looking.

At lats he grinned at an orange and blue stripped umbrella. He handed it to Itachi who smiled at him.

"Why did you pick this one ?" Itachi asked as they walked towards the front of the store where they would pay.

"Orange is my favourite color. Blue is your favourite color. And this umbrelle signifies our first date." Naruto answered coolly.


Naruto and Itachi huddled together underneath the umbrella Naruto had picked out. The rain was now coming down in buckets. Their feet were soaking wet, as their shinobi sandal didn't do much about water. They had been walking towards Naruto's house, when Naruto remembered he had left the key to his apartment back at Ichiraku's.

"Why'd you do that ?" Itachi asked incredulously.

"W-well, knowing how I l-lose things at least t-twice a day, I f-figured I should leave my key with ol-old man Ichiraku, si-since I stop there e-every evening before g-going home, and he'd k-keep it safe for m-me. I l-leave it there ev-every morning b-before heading t-to the training f-field." Naruto explained. He was soaked to the bone, and wished they could get some shelter.

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