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[long chapter idk]
     so last month i started talking to this one guy,noah.we instantly became friends and i helped him get over his ex girlfriend which was sorta tough.that girl meat everything to him,i'm not kidding.and he has helped me with a bunch too.we got to know each other and turns out we go to the same high school and such.but he also told me he was friends with felix.now,felix is my fucking idol!she's such a good artist and she's so pretty and nice and o m g. i look up to felix so bad,she's a fucking goddess.so noah was telling me how much felix and i are alike and i was basically a mini felix😂😂.so a couple days ago,he told me felix wanted to talk to me and such.i fucking shit myself(not rly ew lmao).i was shocked and freaking the fuck out.i lost my shit and started telling noah i wasn't ready,that she was my idol and i would chicken out.oh no man.once noah says he's gonna do something,NOAH'S GONNA FUCKING DO SOMETHING!

   i told him to give me some time,so he did,as did felix.and now just yesterday noah was telling me he gets his drivers license pretty quickly,he just need to work on one more thing and bam.he said,and i quote; "once i get my drivers license,ima swoop you and felix so we can hang" UM???EXCUSE ME??IM???
i had the biggest smile on my face because i was happy and excited because i really do wanna hang out with noah and felix!!aqagaghh!!
        and noah put me in a group chat with her.so me,noah,and felix,we're the BBC(BIG BLACK COLOURS😂😂) note;i haven't even fucking talked to felix at all,yesterday was the first time.noah explained everything and felix agreed to it immediately.my heart was beating so fucking fast,you guys.felix is actually pretty hecking nice and she loves me already gahhhh,,,
     so we're going to eat at olive garden and go to the park afterwards maybe idk.
and another thing,we were thinking on how we'd pay since olive garden is kind of expensive,i said i wouldn't because i have no money :,) noah said he'd pay,felix said she'd pay for both her and i.then i fought and said noah should pay because he's the guy😂🤷🏽‍♀️so it all went down to felix and noah making me their child.felix and noah are fake married and i'm their child :,) who knew my idol would decide that i was their little fetus. so felix and noah are paying.then that's when noah said after,we'd go to the park so they could push me on the swings😂omg felix said that they will protect me at all costs and feed me,that's when noah budged in and claimed that if we ever get jumped on,noah will kill me first because,i quote again; "IM KILLING KATE.THERE'S NO WAY SOME FUCKING MURDERER IS KILLING OUR CHILD!" but that ended up into us making a suicide pact.noah shoots me,felix shoots noah,then felix shoots herself.sadly,that wouldn't work either.so,noah and felix die,so i carry and live on the family name😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️smh
noah tucker.
felix tucker,and
kate tucker.
   i love these two so much my heart hurts help

          honestly can't wait until noah gets his drivers license so we can go eat and hang out💛💛💛😛

this was long sorry 😐

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