Chapter Fifteen: Marinette Has A Plan

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Mariette's P.O.V.

Waking up with a start first thing in the morning, I was not a happy person. I had just woken up from a nightmare about Hawk Moth almost killing Adrien to get our miraculouses. It was awful. I hate it whenever I get nightmares about that kind of thing. Being Ladybug and saving Paris is hard enough without seeing all of the things that you do and worrying about an unknown enemy that you've never seen trying to get your superpower for their own evil use and are willing to kill you and innocent civilians to get it.

It makes my job even harder when I get less sleep on an akuma free night than when there Is an akuma, because by then I pass out from exhaustion and don't dream. Ugh, there is no point in going back to bed now when I only have an hour left until my alarm is going to go off anyway. I don't think I'd be able to fall back asleep after that anyway. I thought, standing up and stretching.

"Love, please come back to bed." I heard Adrien mumbled as soon as I got up. "Shh, go back to sleep. You have an hour to sleep yet." I smiled down at him. He just turned over and fell back asleep instantly. I wish I was able to do that. I thought with a smile. Walking over to my desk, I decided to do a bit of review for an upcoming test that we have, making sure I was prepared.

I really want to make something of myself in school. I know that the old me would not have cared so much, but the new me remembers how well I did in China while I was there before my parents sent me away to live here to protect me. I'm grateful that they did, but I wish that they would have told me sooner. I miss them already and I've only been back for a few days.

Maybe I should write them a letter telling them how things are going here and ask them if they are alright now that I'm gone and see how things are with my people. I thought, looking at the stationary that my mother handed me before I left so that I could write letters back home with the royal family crest so that they would get delivered faster than normal letters sent to the palace or China in general.

Picking up a pen, envelope, and a piece of paper, I began to write my letter back home. Hello, Mother and Father. Paris has yet to change since I left the palace. Tom and Sabine are glad that I have returned safely. I do however miss everyone greatly and I wish that I could be able to remain home for a great while, but I have duties as a student here in Paris. How are you, Mother and Father? How are the people handling my absence? I would imagine that they are all alright with this, however I do miss them greatly as well. It was a joyous time when I was able to meet some of our people. Thank you for everything, Mother and Father. I beg of you to write to me soon. -Marinette. I wrote.

"Hey Tikki, how does this sound to you?" I glanced over at my little red kwami. "It sounds very formal if you ask me." Tikki read over the letter. "Well, I am addressing the King and Queen of China, as well as my parents. It has to be formal." I giggled. "You've been speaking a lot more formally, too. It doesn't happen all the time, but it does." Tikki looked at me.

"It does?" I picked up the letter, folding it carefully to place it in the envelope. "Yup." Tikki sat on my now closed textbook. "I didn't notice." I sealed the letter with the royal family's crest and addressed the letter to the Chinese palace. "Of course you won't, Marinette. For one, you're the one speaking and two, you are remembering that you were raised for four years to speak that way." Tikki smiled.

"That's true. Do you think it's too early to walk down to the postal box to have this sent?" I glanced between the letter and the time. "It shouldn't be. We'll have to hurry if we do though. We don't want to make Adrien or your parents worry" Tikki hovered over my book. "Alright. Let's go then." I smiled, standing to grab my coat. Starting to walk down the ladder, I tried to be as quiet as possible.

"Isn't it crazy that Adrien and I are actually married now?" I sighed as I placed the letter in the mailbox around the corner. "Yeah, but you two truly love each other and belong together, so it doesn't surprise me too much. Your parents could probably see that and wanted you to marry Adrien instead of any suitor they may have planned on." Tikki sat on my shoulder as we walked back.

"That's true. I never really thought that he could have reciprocated my feelings." I smiled. "There you go again, using the large and proper words." Tikki giggled. "Sorry, Tikki. It's just habit for some reason now that I know." I glanced at her. "I don't mind, Marinette. I think it's great." Tikki smiled brightly. "You do? Why?" I walked to the bakery and quietly to my room.

"It's nice to see you knowing how to speak properly. I don't know, I guess it's just a nice change from how people talk anymore." Tikki zipped over to my desk and sat down. "True, people do speak rather informally now." I got dressed into a pink traditional dress with black designs and pink flats. Putting my hair in a bun, I put the crystal flower in my hair that Alya gave me before my wedding.

It's almost odd to look down at my hand and see a ring there. I've always dreamt about this, but now it's real life. I'm the princess of China and I'm married to the model Adrien Agreste who also happens to be my partner Chat Noir. It's crazy. I thought, looking at the flower for a minute in the mirror. Doing my makeup lightly, I was ready to take on the day.

Making sure all of my homework and textbooks were in my bag along with my lunch and my phone, I smiled. I'm glad that I'm back, but going back to all of this is so strange. The school work, the tests, the seeing mama and papa everyday and not having to just send letters back and forth or call them every night because the days were too busy sometimes to get away for long enough to call them. It's all just so odd now.

Sighing, I looked over at a still sleeping Adrien. He looked so peaceful and rather tired. It must be the photo shoots and his father stressing him out that's getting to him and making him unable to sleep. I wonder if he's told his father about us being married now. He may not have had the chance to. He's had so many makeup photo shoots and his father has been really busy with his new fashion line. I thought, silently watching Adrien finally at peace.

I just hope that his father isn't over working him. I don't want him to get sick. He doesn't need that right now. I guess I worry too much about those that I love. Hearing my phone ring, I jumped and answered it quickly to shut it up, not paying attention enough to actually see who it was. Sadly, it was Alya having a break down.

Phone Conversation:

(A- Alya M- Marinette)

A- Mari, I need your help right now.
M- Why, what happened this time?
A- My new kitten just died and no one is awake to help me.
M- What do you even need right now? It's super early.
A- We have about a half hour until school starts and I need help burying this kitten. I can't do it by myself.
Adrien in the background- Bugaboo, come back to bed....I'm getting cold...
A- What was that? Was that Adrien? Did he just call you "bugaboo"?
M- Uh...yeah, that was Adrien. Bugaboo? I didn't hear such a thing. I have to go, bye Alya.

"Adrien, you really need to be careful when I'm on the phone with what you call me. Alya could have found out with you calling me bugaboo." I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Sorry, Mari. I didn't notice you were on the phone. I just wanted you to come back to bed." Adrien laid his head on my lap. "It's alright, love. It's done with now. You can go back to sleep for about twenty minutes. Okay?" I smiled down at him.

"Alright, dear. Good night then." He almost instantly fell asleep. I have no idea how he can fall asleep so quickly. I may keep him home from a photo shoot if he has one today so that he can sleep. He's far too tired. Between school, stress from his father, akuma attacks, and his photo shoots, he doesn't get much time to relax and sleep it seems.

He needs a break from it all. I may not be able to keep him from akuma attacks, but I can keep him away from his father long enough to let him calm down and loosen up a bit and rest. My mind was made up. I was going to keep him home today and we are going to relax, bake cookies, have a family night, and get to bed early so he can sleep a bit longer. If I have to do his homework for him, so be it I will. I don't mind. Whatever it takes to make him relax and rest, I'll do it. I love him and owe him that much in return for what he has done for me.

Hey guys, so, I'm publishing this going on 2 am and I'm tired but i can't sleep. Sorry it took so long to get this up. I apologize. Love y'all.

Word Count: 1,719

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