Chapter 1

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~Your POV~

*Click* You started the YouNow broadcast to talk to your fans. You were packing your bags to go to London, England. You've dreamed of going there since you were a child. Right now you're just stuck in (Y/State). "So guys, when I get there, what do you all want me to do, I mean I know I'm going to vlog the trip, but I also want to do other things too". Almost the entire comments section was filled with "Collab with someone!". You agreed, even though you're not very familiar with any YouTubers there. You've have heard of two guys, but couldn't really grasp their names at the moment. You ended the YouNow when you noticed that it was just 00:30

Still continuing to pack your bags, you realize what time it is, 03:00. you have three and a half hours to finish and try to get some shut eye in before you have to leave for the airport. "Ugh, I am not looking forward to this plane ride." You've packed for a month to see how you like it to debate if whether or not you should actually follow through with moving there. You finished packing and hour and a half later and are now exhausted with only able to get about an hour of sleep in. You couldn't sleep at all within that hour because of how excited you were. You got ready, packed your seven suitcases in your taxi and off to the airport you were. Your anxiety started to kick in because you were scared to leave; yet it was a good feeling to finally get a fresh start.

You have arrived at the airport, it is currently 06:00 you have about a half hour to get through security and to go to where your flight was boarding. "This is going to be hell." you said to yourself as you were entering the very large and populated building. You were not prepared to be sitting next to some stranger on the flight. You had so much social anxiety when it came to public places, it was horrifying. You decided to forget about it and go on Twitter to stalk the recent feed. You had to put your phone down because you were going through security. The metal detector beeped because of your bra wire. The security men patted you down and it gave off the horrible memories. "Stop! I don't want to be touched like this! Stop! What are you doing to me now?!" "Next". You came back to reality and started to calm a bit as you moved on through the airport. You then got out your vlogging camera and began your video. "So guys, I'm currently in the airport right now, and I just got done with security. God I hate being touched by people I don't know." You arrived at your boarding station and got on your plane. You didn't get first class because you hated getting treated like you were so important.

~Dan's POV~

Phil and I are finally on our way home from the US. We were just on a quick little vacation. Whilst we were boarding our plane for home I went on twitter and saw that our fans had asked us to do a collab with a YouTuber named (Y/YTN) because she's moving to London and doesn't really know anyone there. I felt like I should because Phil and I need to make more friends and I don't want someone that doesn't know their way 'round to be lonely.

I decided to DM her on Twitter. "Hey there, I was wondering if sometime soon you would be willing to do a collab with me and my friend Phil? I seen that you are moving to London and I was thinking maybe I could show you the ropes to everything as well." I sent the message and boarded my plane. I went and sat down in my seat next to a short girl with (Y/H.C.). She was rather cute if you'd ask me any. I decided to leave her be 'cause she had her earbuds in and probably didn't even acknowledge that I was there. She looked up at me and gave me a rather nice smile. She must not be a fan. I gave a smirk back of course. She continued to look on her phone for a bit longer before I decided to make some awkward small talk because I couldn't stand much more of the awkward silence. I introduced my self. "Hi, you probably won't care and think that I'm creepy, but my name is Dan." "Hi, Dan. My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you!"

We continued to talk for a bit longer when I realized that this is the girl that my fans want be to collab with. "So do you have a YouTube channel like I do?". "Yes, actually I do. It's (Y/YTN)". "Hold on a second?" She said. "Are you the Daniel dude that DM'd me on twitter earlier asking to collab?". "Yes, actually." I said. "I'd love to collab with you and your friend!" She said. "I'd also really appreciate it if you did show me around London for a bit 'cause it scares me to think how easily I can get lost sometimes." She giggled a little after she said that. It was so cute.

~Your POV~

We finally landed after what felt like an eternity. You got up and stretched because you can't stand sitting for long periods of time. You, Dan and Phil decided when you were going to collab with each other. You exchanged contact info whist you were apartment searching for the future. "Hey, Dan?". "Yeh?". "Where's the nearest hotel from here?". "Oh, you don't need one of those, you can just stay with us!". "But...." "But nothing, let's go!". You guys left the airport and headed in a taxi to Dan and Phil's flat to stay. You arrived and were not ready for the amount of stairs to come with all of your luggage.

"Here, let me help you, (Y/N)". "No thanks, Dan. You've already offered enough". You managed to get up there and didn't know what to do because your anxiety started to kick in a bit. The feeling of being far away from home finally kicked in and also being in a place where you're not quite used to yet. "You can stay in the guest room right down the hall". Phil said and pointed to the hallway for you. You settled in and began to plan for the future that's coming ahead of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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