Chapter five: dreams come true

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When i woke up Jane wasn't in the bed. i looked up to see Tina's face pressed against mine. "Tina can you move?"i said and thats when i noticed it her eyes. in the reflections were two different sights. on one aspen was bleeding from the wrists and her organs were tied around her throat. In the other eye. Jane was hanging upside down all cut up barely had any clothing only enough to cover her spots. " did you do this Tina?" i asked."i lost Toby to a girl I'm not losing you!" I socked her in the face. she didn't even flinch she looked at me with anger in her eyes now she head butted me.

I woke up sweating like i ran a couple miles. Jane was looking at me concerned. " are you ok joey?" she asked as she hugged me. "yea bad dream thats all." I got up and left the room . i had to check up on aspen. she was fast asleep still and ok. I walked into the room. time to have fun with the newbie. i pushed aspen off my bed "wakey wakey sleepy head!" i said. she looked at me. "why would you do that." she yelled. " You looked peaceful so i had to do something!!!" i replied."that and my iPods under my pillow and someone was sleeping on my bed!" i said. i grabbed my iPod a towel and change of clothes. i decided to take a shower. when i got in i noticed i had a scratch mark on my rib cage.( probably from Jane she has bad nightmares ). i turned the water to full hot just the way i like it i stood there then i dried my hand grabbed my iPod and put my music on. the first song was revenga by system of a down. i started singing along. " i saw her laugh and then she said .. And then she said go awaaaaaayyyyy aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH." i stopped . Jane and Jeff were arguing like always. i got out put my boxers and pants on i decided to let Jane see what she did to me. i opened up the door to find aspen and Jeff arguing. i was too shocked to move. aspen was blushing like crazy. than god for janes timing she walked in "admiring the view there newbie?" she asked aspen. she was just as shocked as me. Jane pushed me out of the room. "Really Joey what you decided that she was better then me!" Jane yelled . " Janey no i thought it was you and Jeff but when I opened the door it was aspen i swear i didn't do it on promise." i started to cry."jane your the best thing to ever happen to me I'd never hurt you on purpose." All she slapped me. " you better make sure next time or i won't forgive you!!" she yelled. I ran out the door leading to the woods i had my hatchets and mask. I ran. like the first time i ran away. but i didn't stop until i reached a lake. i saw two people getting out of the lake. i snuck my way to them. when I got to them i saw it was a girl and a boy they were both around my age. I walked out like if i was walking the whole time. "Hiya what are you guys doin out here?" i said. the boy looked up were slender man hunting what about you?" he asked. i looked at both of them. "I'm hunting those to hunt slendy ." after i said that the boy pulled out a 12 gauge shotgun. "Sorry not today." he said aiming at my head. i pulled out my hatchets." not a good idea kid ill give you both a chance to run." the girl started to run she looked back at the boy. he turned to her. i took my chance. i lunged at the boy putting my hatchet into the boy's neck. he gurgled something that sounded like run but i couldn't understand. so i put my hatchet in his forehead. I looked at the girl she looked at me in horror and in thankfulness . "he wasn't your brother or anyone related I'm guessing?" i said. "no he.... he kidnapped me." she started crying. i walked to her "it's ok i won't let anyone hurt you." She looked at me "really?" her voice squeaked. "promise..... well lets get back to the mansion before i get yelled at again."

On our way to the mansion i learned a couple things about the girl. she was kidnapped when she was at school from a man who said he was her uncle. her name was Jane and she was 4 years younger then me 10. Jane got tired so i carried her the rest of the way. when we got to the mansion Ben and Jane were waiting outside for me i guess. Ben saw Jane and said " you are the father!" he started laughing. Jane punched his arm. he stopped. Jane walked up to me. but I was still kinda pissed off at her for slapping me. i walked past her to mine and aspens room i put her in the bed. aspen walked in as soon as i tucked her in. "hey you don't mind sharing a bed with her do you." i whispered to aspen. "as long as she stays on that side of the bed!" aspen laughed. "where are you sleeping anyways i know you and Jane got into it." i looked up really she had to bring up our argument. " I'm sleeping in the living room on the couch." i said i turned and left the room when i got to the living room Ben was playing video games. "wanna play versus me?" he asked. "wanna lose badly?" i replied. Me and Ben played for hours until the next morning.


Sorry this chapter took a while writers block has me in a head lock right now ill try and do a chapter a day!! well thanks you all now shout out time



For being in and helping with the book!! Thanks and bye -^_^-

The Rogers family ( A ticci toby FF )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن