We Meet Again!!

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---Part One---
"(N/N) I'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORED!," My friend said, slightly hanging off the couch, Her brilliant hazel eyes focused on the teal, living room wall, "I am toooooooooooooo", "We should do something!", I look up from my phone, "Like what?", She slightly shrugs, Her eyes moving to her phone, I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen to get some {enter in Cocoa flavor Ex: Mint, milk, Dark, Vanilla, ETC; Or for those of you who don't drink Cocoa and prefer another hot beverage then place it here}, as I'm making my drink I hear a thud, followed by my friend cursing, "Ash did you fall off the couch?!", I yell to her, Receiving a groan in reply, I chuckle slightly and finish making my drink, It smelled fucking amazing!

I walk into the living room to be greeted by my friend looking at her phone, she was still on the ground, She had a giant shit eating grin on her face, "Watcha lookin' at?", I ask her, She looks up, still grinning, "We should go to Disney Land!!!!", I pause for a second, remembering that I literally live by Disney Land now, "Hell yeah!!!", I yell, we both go and get dressed, I decide to wear a loose, white tank top with a giant picture of Stitch on the front with a pair of blue, denim shorts and a pair of black tennis to top it off, (optional part will be underlined) I quickly put some make up on and walk out, I greet my friend who's wearing a purple Pirates of the Caribbean shirt with dark denim shorts, along with dark purple converse, "Let's go!", Ash said, making her way to the door, I quickly follow after.

-Time skip brought to you by (Y/N) and Ash singing in the car on their way to Disney Land-

I pay for tickets and we both walk in, I look around as Ash looks at the map, "Hmmm, Hey (Y/N)", Ash says, staring at the map, "Yeah?", "Should we go to Fantasy Land, Tomorrow Land, Adventure L-", "Ooo! We should start at Splash mountain!", "Critter Country?", "YEAH!".

--Time skip brought to you by running to Splash mountain(AKA LAZY AUTHOR MOMENT)--

Ashley and I are standing in line for splash mountain, the sweet smell of churros fills the air, and the cool breeze made by the log going down while the clear water splashes close by, a smile spreads across my face as we get closer, I suddenly hear a familiar voice in the behind us, "HEY ASH, (Y/N)!!!", We turn our heads to see a Ethan, Mark, and Tyler smiling and waving at us, "HEY GUYS!" Ash 'yells', we both wave back with just as much energy, They walk up to us, with three other girls and a guy, after we say our hellos Mark introduces us to two of the girls. One was named Kathryn while the other was Amy. We instantly recognized the third girl as our long time-friend, Makaelah (or Mk).

Ashley and I give Mk a giant hug as she runs toward us after not seeing each other in like, forever! Mk had long rainbow colored hair that somehow brought out her lovely milk chocolate brown eyes, I look over at her outfit, a cute black and white dress with lace on the front, pictures of Jack Skellington all over it and black DC's to top it all off.

"Ryan, come over here!" Mk pulls a tall brunette with some facial hair over. "Ryan, these are my friends (Y/N) and Ashley. Guys, this is my boyfriend Ryan," "Sup" Ryan says with a small wave. Mk giggles and looks at our faces, leaving us confused. "What?" I ask, looking at her. "Don't you recognize him? Or his voice at least?" Ash and I then scrutinize the man in the green Mike hoodie (in this heat!). "Noooo?" We say in sync, looking back at the short girl. "He is Cryaotic!" she fan-girls, hugging onto his chest like a groupie. Ash and I giggle at her reaction, then wave again, trying to hide our crazy selves.

"Are you guys ready to go!", Mark asked, excitement laced his voice, His gorgeous chocolate brown eyes twinkle, we all nod, we finally get to the actual ride and I smile excitedly as we all sit down, I sit next to Tyler in the front, Ethan and Ashley behind us, Mark, Amy and Kathryn behind them and Ryan and Mk in the back, as the ride starts going I unconsciously wrap my arm around Tyler's, he slightly scoots closer, still starting straight ahead, his blue eyes looking around, a small smile on his handsome features, I slightly look away from the curly haired brunette and look around, Everyone is talking and laughing as we start nearing the end, I scream/laugh as we go down, all I can hear is screams, laughter, and the splash of the water under us.

YAAAAAAAY LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR!!!!! I only thought about the idea of Disney Land because 1......my friend said that that's where you will most likely find Mark and them, and I wanted to have you guys bump into them, and 2........I FUCKING LOVE DISNEY LAND!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE CHURROS, THE BOAT RIDE, THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN RIDE, THE HAUNTED HOUSE RIDE, and most importantly, SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH MOUNTAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!!!!!!!! I went when I was a fourth grader so this was like a small trip through the past, anyways, you all know that AshShadowNight came up with the idea with me, but in this chapter I had another friend help out, and she wrote some parts in the chapter and gave me some writing tips, Her name is Anime_happiness, Again a thanks to both of these fabulous writers, If you don't know them go check out their profiles, Now Hope you guys liked this and I'm going to start the second part to this yAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, haha, See you all later, BUH-BYE!!!!:33

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