Waking up and being saved?

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I sit up, drenched in a cold sweat, my eyes quickly dart around as I try to analyze my surroundings, I sigh a breathe of relief when I realize that I'm in my living room with the Bye Bye Man still playing, "Fuck, I really need to stop watching horror movies before I fall asleep," I say aloud, as if someone can hear me, I check my phone to see a missed call from my friend, I quickly text her back.

{A = Ashley , Y = You}

Y; Hey Ash! Whats up?

A; just working on my Wattpad story, and listening to Nate,you know, the usual, You?

Y; Lol nothing much

I looked away from my phone when I heard a knock at my door, I lightly toss my phone to the side and go to answer the door. "SURPRISE!", I jump slightly as I am smothered by a tall, short haired blonde, "Ash?!", I yell slightly looking up at my taller friend, "Oh my God, How are you?", She grins happily, "I was here to visit a friend," She said casually, I let her in and we continued talking, an hour later we both head out to run some errands and get some food.

We pull up to a local Wendy's and park the car, Ashley practically jumps out of the car and races into the fast food restaurant I climb out and lock the car, following after.

--Time skip, brought to you by the Laaaaaaziest author--

As Ash and I are walking out, I accidentally bump into someone, I instantly apologize to the stranger, He only replies with a grunt, He had messy black hair and grey eyes, I shiver as I remember my dream, Ashley notices and we both walk away, "what was that about?", she questioned, "it was just a deja vu moment, nothing to bad.", She nodes slightly, and we continue walking.

As we near the house I here running from behind us, I turn and come face to face with the guy from Wendy's, Ashley and I scream and we start running, I can hear him running after us, I feel him grab my sweater and pull back, I struggle as he pulls me back, Ashley starts running after, Tears start stinging my eyes as I see my life flash before my eyes.

I hear another set of running as I feel the man let go, I quickly get up and turn to see a taller man with curly brunette hair, Still in shock I see a group of people run over.

CLIFF HANGER MUHAHAHA >:33 Aren't I evil, Anyway Hope you guys liked this chapter, Sorry it sucks, but again, Hope You all enjoyed!! :33

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