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I slammed the giant metal door shut and quickly looked for a place to hide, "I know your in there YOU LITTLE BITCH!" A male voice yelled from behind the door, Tears stream down my bruised (S/C) skin, I look towards a window, I'm filled with hope, I run towards it, I try prying it open, but it's jammed, I look around for something to break it open when I am yanked down to the ground by my (H/L), (H/C) Hair, I scream out in pain as the man gets on top of me and wraps his greasy pale hands around my neck, He smells of whiskey and motor oil, I try to push him off, but to no avail, he tightens his grip as my hand falls to the ground to find something, Anything!
My vision starts turning black and I struggle breathing, I kick and struggle under his grasp in an attempt to get him off..........................................MUHAHA CLIFF HANGER! >:33 So evil!

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